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Kevin Spacey's home faces repossession.

Millions Remain Struggling with Financial Burden Post-Trial

Kevin Spacey.
Kevin Spacey.

Kevin Spacey's home faces repossession.

The well-known actor, Kevin Spacey, gained fame through his performances in "American Beauty" and "House of Cards." However, his career came crumbling down due to claims of sexual misconduct. Now, unable to afford his expenses, he is in financial distress. According to the actor, his home in Baltimore, Maryland, will be put up for auction.

The American actor Kevin Spacey, best recognized for his roles in "American Beauty" and "House of Cards," is said to be facing severe monetary trouble. During an interview on the show "Piers Morgan Uncensored" hosted by British broadcaster Piers Morgan, Spacey shared through tears that his Baltimore, Maryland home will be sold this week. He confessed that he can no longer pay his bills.

In recent years, multiple men have accused Spacey of sexual misconduct, leading to his dwindling fortune. He admitted that he has millions of dollars in debt. The start of these claims came in 2017, when actor Anthony Rapp accused him in the middle of the #MeToo movement, which prompted more accusations and ultimately ended Spacey's career.

Spacey refuted Rapp's allegations and was even acquitted by a New York jury in 2022. Some accusations were withdrawn or dismissed due to the statute of limitations. Spacey was also acquitted in a 2023 trial in London where four men alleged sexual assault against Spacey.

During the 90-minute interview with Piers Morgan, Spacey accepted that he had made mistakes but claimed he was not aggressive. He admitted to overstepping the line and engaging in sexual contact with people without confirming if they wanted it, but maintained that he had acted "gently" in such instances. The prosecution during the London trial portrayed Spacey as someone who exploited his position to sexually harass men. Spacey defended himself, either denying the charges or stating the acts were consensual.

After the allegations against Spacey surfaced, streaming service Netflix ended their collaboration on the popular series "House of Cards," where Spacey played the manipulative character Frank Underwood. Also, scenes with Spacey were deleted from the film "All the Money in the World."

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