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"Kevin Spacey admits being too physically forward in the past."

In a recent interview, Kevin Spacey admitted to crossing boundaries and being overly physically affectionate in the past. The confession was made public on Tuesday.

Actor Kevin Spacey talks to Piers Morgan about the sexual assault allegations he has faced.
Actor Kevin Spacey talks to Piers Morgan about the sexual assault allegations he has faced.

"Kevin Spacey admits being too physically forward in the past."

A two-time Oscar winner was discussing claims of inappropriate behavior in an extensive interview.

"I'm one hundred percent ready to accept responsibility for my wrongdoings and mistakes," he said on Piers Morgan Uncensored on YouTube.

In 2021, Spacey, aged 64, was acquitted of seven sexual assault charges and two other severe sexual offense allegations after a four-week trial in London. The claims spanned from 2004 to 2013, during his tenure as artistic director at the Old Vic theater in London. He had denied all the accusations prior to this.

In 2022, a court in New York determined Spacey couldn't be held accountable for battery in a civil case. Actor Anthony Rapp claimed Spacey had grabbed him and lay on top of him after a party in 1986.

Furthermore, Spacey faced criminal charges of indecent assault and battery associated with a July 2016 occurrence, where he was implicated in groping a teenager at a Nantucket bar. He had entered a plea of not guilty at the time and in 2019, Massachusetts authorities abandoned the case after the man who alleged the assault refused to testify.

Morgan probed the nature of Spacey's "bad behavior" in the interview. Spacey answered, "transgressing boundaries... being too handsy, touching someone in a sexual manner... without realizing they didn't want it."

Morgan remarked, "Some individuals consider that a criminal act, if you grope people in a sexual manner, contrary to their desires, that is a crime."

Spacey rebutted the observation, asserting, "groped" is a "strange phrase".

"I've exhibited tenderness towards people, I've been gentle with them... that's just who I am. You're making a move on someone, you don't want to be forceful, you want to be tender," he added. "So, I think the word doesn't suit my situation."

However, he acknowledged that younger actors may have felt unable to voice their concerns in the past.

"I'll never behave as I used to ever again." he asserted.

Earlier, Spacey admitted to instances of overconfidence and egotism in the past.

"Presently, my aim is not to be the best actor – which it once was – my aim now is to demonstrate that I'm a person of moral integrity."

Spacey seemed emotional at times, especially when queried about his current living situation.

He mentioned he faces exorbitant legal bills, revealing, "This week, the property I've been residing in Baltimore is being foreclosed, my house is being sold at auction."

When asked why it was being foreclosed, Spacey stated, "I can't afford the payments for the debts I have."

The actor has been honored with two Academy Awards, for his roles in 1995's "The Usual Suspects" and 1999's "American Beauty". After departing from "House of Cards", a Netflix series where he starred for five years following accusations of misconduct, he has been back in acting.

Actor Kevin Spacey stands outside Southwark Crown Court in London after he was found not guilty on charges related to allegations of sexual offenses on July 26, 2023.

Read also:

After the intense legal battles, Kevin Spacey returned to entertainment, appearing in various projects.

Despite the controversies, Spacey continues to seek opportunities in the entertainment industry, seeking to prove his moral integrity.

