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Kate Winslet: "The situation was chaotic"

Recalling the "Titanic" incident.

Perfect - at least in the end on the big screen: Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in "Titanic".
Perfect - at least in the end on the big screen: Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in "Titanic".

Kate Winslet: "The situation was chaotic"

Many viewers were mesmerized by the passionate kiss between Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie "Titanic." But in an interview with "Vanity Fair," Winslet shared that filming this iconic scene was far from a romantic experience.

Looking back on the memorable "I'm flying" scene, Kate Winslet playfully joked about the popular romance, saying, "My God, he's such a romantic, isn't he? No wonder every young girl in the world wanted to be kissed by Leonardo DiCaprio." Yet, she stated that the filming process was far from perfect.

During the kiss between Rose and Jack, things were incredibly hectic, Winslet revealed. "We kissed each other a lot, and I had a lot of pale makeup on, and makeup checks had to be made - on both of us, between takes - and at the end, I looked like I had sucked on a caramel lollipop after every take, because his makeup landed on me," she said. Meanwhile, DiCaprio appeared like "a piece of his face was missing" due to the delays caused by Winslet's lighter makeup. Summing it up, she laughed, "Oh God, it was such a mess."

Chaos-Filled Filming

Winslet considered the entire filming of the scene a "nightmare." Not only were there difficulties with the makeup team's location but also problems with the lighting. Additionally, she repeatedly hit her knee against the railing, which added to the discomfort.

The filming needed multiple retakes before it met Cameron's standards. According to Winslet, DiCaprio couldn't stop laughing, and they had to repeat the takes several times. Moreover, a specific light was wanted by the director, which often kept changing.

"Titanic" - Spearheading Successful Careers

"This was part of the ship, it wasn't part of the actual set we had," explained Winslet. "We had to climb a ladder to get there." The hair and makeup experts faced difficulties in reaching them, so they hid the makeup tools in parts of their attire. "And between takes, I basically redid our makeup," she added, finding the situation "pretty funny."

In spite of the challenges, the spectacular result was beneficial for everyone: "Titanic" won eleven Oscars, and it is still recognized as one of the greatest films in cinema history. For Winslet and DiCaprio, it marked the launch of immensely successful careers in Hollywood that have not been surpassed.

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