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Kalkofe and Rütten present again trash films

For fans, the series 'The Worst Movies Ever' with Oliver Kalkofe and Peter Ruetten is cult. Now it is continuing on a new channel. Even its productions will not be spared.

Oliver Kalkofe and Peter Rütten sort through trash films again. (Archival image)
Oliver Kalkofe and Peter Rütten sort through trash films again. (Archival image)

Television - Kalkofe and Rütten present again trash films

What are the worst films of all time?: TV satirists Oliver Kalkofe and Peter Rueten have stirred things up again. Starting August 30th (around 10:00 PM), ten new episodes of the format "#SchleFaZ" will air every Friday on Nitro, which is part of the RTL broadcaster family. For "friends of refined trash films," as they call themselves.

According to the broadcaster RTL+, the episodes can be streamed a week before their TV premiere. "From costumed giant apes, amateurish Kung Fu scenes, or neon-colored fitness studio killers – the first season at its new home promises terrifying things on all levels." In the episodes, the "junk film experts" Kalkofe and Rueten dissect these cinematic disasters with their sharp wit and irony.

The RTL-produced series "S.O.S. Barracuda: Death Plays Roulette" is set to kick things off. Following that are titles like "Aerobicide" and "Sand Sharks." Additionally, live events with Kalkofe and Rueten are scheduled for Berlin on August 29th and Duisburg on October 28th.

Previously, the series had been aired on Tele5.

Oliver Kalkofe and Peter Rütten, known for their critique of films from the right to left perspective, have a strong following in Germany's media landscape. Despite its initial airing on Tele5, the popular show "#SchleFaZ" will now be exclusively available on RTL's channel Nitro, starting August 30th. The change in broadcasting platform has sparked interest among many people who appreciate their analysis of poor-quality films.

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