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Kader Loth gets serious

She wants to go to the ESC with "Diva

What does Conchita Wurst have that she doesn't? Kader
What does Conchita Wurst have that she doesn't? Kader

Kader Loth gets serious

The Eurovision Song Contest doesn't really go much lower than last place. Or maybe it does? Reality TV actress Kader Loth is determined to represent Germany at the next ESC in Malmö. The dress rehearsal has already taken place.

Yes, it's bitter: Germany really hasn't seen the light at the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) in recent years. Since 2019, it has always finished in last or penultimate place. Even the rockers from Lord of the Lost had to return home with the red lantern last year, despite their passable performance and the catchy hit "Blood & Glitter".

But as we all know, after the ESC is before the ESC. And so the next contenders have long been scrambling to do better in next year's competition in Malmö, Sweden, and pull the ESC coals out of the fire for Germany. Among them is reality TV actress Kader Loth, known as a jungle camper, "Big Brother" participant and the woman who Prince Frédéric von Anhalt urinated in the bath water on "Die Alm".

Loth had already announced her ESC ambitions last week - with the song "Diva" and plenty of self-confidence. "Why shouldn't I perform it on the big stages?" the 50-year-old asked rhetorically and was convinced: "I definitely wouldn't come last or second last." After all, one question had to be answered first: "What does a Conchita Wurst, for example, have that I don't?" she explained, alluding to the Austrian ESC winner of 2014.

Appearance in "Olivia Jones Bar"

What does Conchita Wurst have that she doesn't? Kader Loth.

In fact, this is not the first time in her life that Loth has taken to the vocal mic on "Diva". She sang the songs "Alles was Du brauchst" and "Magic X-Mas" back in 2004. These were followed a few years later by "Senle Giderim" (2007) and "Du Schwein" (2010).

Loth demonstrated just how serious she is about her ESC plans with a performance in the "Olivia Jones Bar" on Hamburg's Reeperbahn. She didn't have quite as many spectators here as at the ESC - the biggest music competition in the world. Nevertheless, she was satisfied with her performance afterwards: "I was very nervous, but the audience was so motivated. And everyone joined in and celebrated. I thought it was a really, really successful performance."

"Really cool"

Olivia Jones is well known for her quirky sense of humor. And so she also gave her verdict: "The performance was really great. Kader would really shake up the Eurovision Song Contest. What we saw today was just the beginning."

However, Loth still has a long way to go before she actually makes it that far. First of all, she would have to be admitted to the German preliminary round - and then win it. In any case, she has applied and should find out in January at the latest whether she will be allowed to compete. "I haven't had any rejections yet," is the good news for Loth. But there is also some bad news: if she does actually take part in the preliminary round, she would have to sing live in full. However, she still managed to avoid this during her performance on the Reeperbahn.

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