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Jo Gerner on crutches

Wolfgang Bahro has injured himself, his Jo Gerner is on crutches on "Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten". This is how it came about.

Wolfgang Bahro with crutches and colleague Gisa
Wolfgang Bahro with crutches and colleague Gisa

"Good times - Jo Gerner on crutches

An unusual sight for Jo Gerner: the untouchable supervillain is on crutches on "Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten". The reason: his actor Wolfgang Bahro (60) was injured at the beginning of October and had to have an operation. His condition will be incorporated into the long-running series.

In an interview with RTL, Wolfgang Bahro revealed how the injury came about. "I passed a football pitch where a couple of boys were playing soccer. They kicked a ball at me and I tried to kick it back," said the "GZSZ" veteran. He kicked at the ball with his right leg and slipped on wet leaves with his left.

Bahro did an "involuntary splits" and broke his trochanter, an extension of the thigh bone. After an operation, the actor had to spend a week in hospital. After four weeks out of action, the rehabilitation phase has now begun in order to be able to walk properly again. Bahro sees a physiotherapist three to four times a week.

He is happy to be back in front of the camera. His colleagues have been "very kind and considerate" in supporting him.

How Wolfgang Bahro's injury is incorporated into GZSZ

Unlike his actor, Jo Gerner did not fall after a failed kick attempt on "Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten". The lawyer returns from a trip abroad on crutches. Wolfgang Bahro hints to RTL that an e-scooter may have played a role in the accident. The episodes with the handicapped Gerner will be broadcast this winter.

Wolfgang Bahro has to be fit again by Easter. That's when he will be on stage for RTL in the live spectacle "Die Passion".

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