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Jews in Germany: Scholz urges openness and empathy

Hanukkah is as much a part of Germany as Christmas and Eid, says the Chancellor. But he calls for even more in everyday life: empathy and "heart education".

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaks at the Jewish Community Day in Berlin.
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaks at the Jewish Community Day in Berlin.

Federal Chancellor - Jews in Germany: Scholz urges openness and empathy

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz has called for openness and compassion for Jews in Germany. "We all have the task of making the right decision every single day: for empathy, for solidarity, for an open ear and an open heart," said the SPD politician at the Jewish Community Day in Berlin this evening. This is the basis of our open society.

Jewish life in Germany was a matter of course; it was just as much a part of everyday life and unspectacular as other religions. A sign of this naturalness is that "Hanukkah belongs to Germany just like Christmas and Eid, that synagogues belong to Germany just like churches and mosques, that we belong inseparably together in this country".

Scholz: Rule of law takes decisive action against anti-Semitic incitement

Scholz affirmed that the constitutional state is taking decisive action against anti-Semitic agitation and that the new citizenship law prevents anti-Semitism from being naturalized. However, the self-evidence that he would like to see requires more than criminal law, the police and the judiciary. Living together is more than just living side by side. What is needed is compassion without relativization.

It disturbs him when Jews have to organize their own solidarity rallies and ask where the sympathy is. It is important to awaken empathy. "One key is and remains education," said Scholz. This involves facts about the Shoah, anti-Semitism, Israel and the Middle East conflict. But it is also about conveying the responsibility that arises from German history.

"We are citizens of the same country, we are neighbors, colleagues at work," said Scholz. "And it is part of the formation of our hearts to take part when our neighbors and colleagues are grieving and afraid."

Anti-Semitic incidents in Germany after Hamas attack on Israel

The President of the Central Council of Jews, Josef Schuster, recalled anti-Semitic incidents in Germany following the attack on Israel by the terrorist organization Hamas on 7 October. "You have announced consequences and are in the process of implementing them - we will support you until the end of this journey," said Schuster, addressing the Chancellor.

He called on the German government to also stand by Israel's side at the United Nations in future. So far, it has been caught between two stools, said the Central Council President. This makes the Federal Government vulnerable. Scholz reiterated that Germany stands by Israel and also offers concrete help.

The Jewish Community Day has been running since Thursday and will continue until Sunday with discussions, workshops and prayers in Berlin. According to official figures, around 1400 participants have registered. The Jewish communities in Germany number around 95,000 people.

Read also:

  1. Chancellor Olaf Scholz during the Jewish Community Day in Berlin emphasized the importance of openness and empathy towards Jews, highlighting that such values are essential for a harmonious coexistence in Germany.
  2. Scholz also highlighted the importance of solidarity with Jews and other religious groups in Germany, stating that events like Hanukkah, Christmas, and Eid, along with synagogues and churches, are an integral part of German society.
  3. The SPD politician pointed out that while the country's legal and law enforcement institutions are taking decisive action against anti-Semitism, there is a need for compassionate understanding and education to combat the scourge of anti-Semitic sentiment in German society.
  4. Scholz spoke out against the fact that Jews in Germany often have to organize their own solidarity rallies and seek sympathy, and emphasized the importance of education in fostering empathy towards Jewish people and other marginalized groups in the country.
  5. At the Jewish Community Day in Berlin, Cholz reiterated Germany's commitment to standing by Israel in the face of adversity, offering concrete help and support to the Jewish state in its time of need.
  6. Central Council of Jews President Joseph Schuster acknowledged anti-Semitic incidents in Germany following the attack on Israel by Hamas on 7 October, calling on the German government to continue supporting Israel at the United Nations and to take a stronger stance against anti-Semitism worldwide.
  7. The Jewish Community Day in Berlin featured discussions, workshops, and prayers, attracting over 1,400 participants and demonstrating the vitality and resilience of Jewish life in Germany, with around 95,000 Jews making up the community.


