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Jenke von Wilmsdorff is unmasked

The Martian mouse is out! TV journalist Jenke von Wilmsdorff was unmasked on the latest episode of the ProSieben show "The Masked Singer".

Jenke von Wilmsdorff in his Martian mouse
Jenke von Wilmsdorff in his Martian mouse

"The Masked Singer" - Jenke von Wilmsdorff is unmasked

In the third episode of the eighth season of the ProSieben show"The Masked Singer", another celebrity contestant had to leave the show. The Mars mouse had previously been unanimously revealed by the guessing team: Jenke von Wilmsdorff (58) was hiding under the cute plush costume. In the current episode, the journalist performed the classic song "Let me entertain you" by Robbie Williams (49) as an alien animal with an astronaut's helmet - and didn't exactly impress with his perfect singing. However, the Martian mouse put on a strong performance in her farewell appearance, winning over both the audience and the judging team.

The jury that evening consisted of guests Alec Völkel (51) and Sascha Vollmer (51) from The BossHoss as well as the permanent rating duo Ruth Moschner (47) and Alvaro Soler (32). Shortly before the unmasking, all four agreed on Jenke von Wilmsdorff as the hottest tip, even though he himself was a guest on the guessing team in the first episode of the show. However, even this new confusion tactic by the makers did not deter the four jury members from their idea. And in the end, they were proved right.

After his unmasking, Jenke von Wilmsdorff said that his participation had been "the funniest experiment". He also had a good dose of healthy and realistic self-assessment in his luggage: "Singing is not my greatest strength, but it's fun." In the ProSieben interview in the after-show, von Wilmsdorff was also enthusiastic about his participation: "I'm glad that I was able to take part in two great rounds here."

Uwe Ochsenknecht as Kiwi is still there

Surprisingly, one celebrity who was unintentionally exposed last week is still at the start: Uwe Ochsenknecht (67) slipped his mask as Kiwi in the second episode of the current season, revealing his unmistakable face. He performed "Danger Zone" by Kenny Loggins (75) and made it through to the next round.

Von Wilmsdorff is the third celebrity to be officially unmasked. After the first episode, singer Katja Ebstein (78) was unmasked as Okapi, and last week it was revealed that model Eva Padberg (43) was under the fire extinguisher costume.

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