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Jan Hofer bids farewell to "RTL Direct"

Extended time for his kid

At the end of August, Jan Hofer will be leaving "RTL Direkt".
At the end of August, Jan Hofer will be leaving "RTL Direkt".

Jan Hofer bids farewell to "RTL Direct"

When News Veteran Jan Hofer joined RTL in 2021, he swiftly started constructing the new news format "RTL Direkt" from the ground up. However, he's now decided to step back to spend more quality time with his son. But fear not, the network isn't letting go of him.

Previously nicknamed "Mister Tagesschau," Hofer was the long-standing host of the ARD's prime news program for 35 years. At 70, he bid farewell to the publicly-funded broadcaster, yet the news world wasn't done with him. Hofer quickly found a new home at RTL and made quite an impression as "Mister RTL Direkt."

He not only played a crucial role in the institution of the news brand but also contributed significantly to its growth and development over the past three years. However, it's now time for the news trailblazer to move on. RTL announced that Hofer will exit "RTL Direkt" at the end of August. His former colleague, Pinar Atalay, will then become the sole host of the format. She'll be supported by "RTL Direkt" editorial manager Lothar Keller, who until now was part of the extended moderation team of the "RTL Nachtjournal."

The Chief Editor of News and Politics at RTL NEWS, Gerhard Kohlenbach, commended Hofer and his colleagues' dedication. "Jan is a professional, a great colleague, and a wonderful person. Building a new format and making it successful with the audience was no small feat, but largely thanks to the two news anchors," Kohlenbach stated. He's "excited that Pinar Atalay will moderate 'RTL Direkt' more frequently in the future. This ensures continuity for the viewers."

Discussions about future ventures

Chief Content Officer RTL Germany, Inga Leschek, is just as thrilled about Atalay's expanded role as an anchorwoman. "Our audience appreciates her not only for her exceptional journalism skills but also for her clear and relatable language," Leschek stated. At the same time, she assures that Hofer's departure from "RTL Direkt" doesn't mean his departure from RTL entirely. "We're already in discussions for a future project."

Atalay is also excited about "further developing 'RTL Direkt' as the main moderator from September." However, she admits a tinge of sadness: "It was a pleasure to build 'RTL Direkt' successfully with my colleague Jan Hofer, and I wish him all the best for his new life phase."

Soccer dad life

As for Jan Hofer himself, he has some different priorities now. "Building a completely new news format on such a prominent broadcasting position was a thrilling and challenging task. Now it's time for me to enjoy watching my son grow up. He's only eight, and he really wants to play soccer more often with his dad."

Maybe father and son will bond over watching "RTL Direkt" in the not-so-distant future. After all, the show has now become a regular fixture in the evening news lineup, ranking among the ARD "Tagesthemen" and the "heute journal" on ZDF in young demographics.

Pinar Atalay will now be the sole main presenter.

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