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"It's quite a mess" - Frank Zander unexpectedly admitted to Berlin clinic

Frank Zander had to be admitted to hospital on Monday. Check-ups are currently underway in order to make a diagnosis. The 81-year-old has since reported from his hospital bed.

Frank Zander is currently in
Frank Zander is currently in

Concern for cult singer - "It's quite a mess" - Frank Zander unexpectedly admitted to Berlin clinic

Great concern for cult singer Frank Zander: he had to be taken by ambulance to Martin Luther Hospital in Berlin on Monday. This was initially confirmed by his son Marcus Zander in the "B.Z." newspaper. After a television show on December 1 and a previous corona infection, his father's physical condition had become "worse from day to day". He hardly got out of bed in the morning and had hardly any appetite. His family doctor then pulled the ripcord and urgently recommended that Frank Zander be admitted to hospital by ambulance.

Frank Zander also gave the newspaper a brief statement from his hospital bed: "It's a real bummer. I could think of something better than having to go to hospital before my Christmas party for the needy and homeless." But there was no other option: "I was getting weaker and weaker. And now I'm being completely checked over here, the doctors are all super competent. I'm in the very best hands here."

Can Frank Zander attend his Christmas party for the needy?

The "Hier kommt Kurt" singer is now receiving infusions with restorative preparations and already feels that he is getting a little better. Initial checks are encouraging, but his inflammation levels are too high. His son said that they had to hope from "day to day" that his father would regain his strength and that a diagnosis could be made: "Then we can start treatment. Of course, he mustn't take on too much again too quickly afterwards."

Preparations are currently underway for the legendary Christmas goose dinner for the homeless and needy, which he is organizing for the 29th time this year in Berlin and is due to take place in two weeks' time on 22 December. His son has already hinted that this year's feast could possibly take place without Frank Zander: "It's not certain that he'll be fit again by the time of the party."

Read also:

  1. Despite the ongoing concern about Frank Zander's health, his family is hopeful that he can make a recovery in time for his annual Christmas party in Berlin, where he traditionally serves a meal for the needy and homeless.
  2. Marcus Zander, Frank Zander's son, shared that his father is currently receiving treatment at the Martin Luther Hospital in Berlin, where he is undergoing tests to understand the root cause of his deteriorating health due to the Coronavirus.
  3. Frank Zander himself, from his hospital bed in Berlin, reassured his fans that he is in good hands and receiving excellent care, expressing his regret at not being able to attend his upcoming Christmas event due to his worsening condition.


