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"It's a funfair, my friend!"

"Farmer seeks wife" - Finale

Even Inka Bause (left) shakes her head: bull breeder Siegfried rebuffs lady-in-waiting
Even Inka Bause (left) shakes her head: bull breeder Siegfried rebuffs lady-in-waiting

"It's a funfair, my friend!"

At the end of the 19th season of "Bauer sucht Frau", all the lovers and squabblers switch into party mode once again. But chief matchmaker Inka Bause is not always in a celebratory mood. An insensitive cattle farmer visibly and audibly drives the presenter up the wall.

The farm weeks are over, but where is the love? Inka Bause is not the only one to wonder which farms were still in the pink after filming. At the obligatory final party, all the candidates come together once again - either holding hands or keeping a safe distance. Hans and Elke are the first to join Inka and share their relationship status with all those interested: "We're on a very special level!" sighs Elke, overjoyed. Hans is also moved to tears. Elke is due to move house next year. Inka congratulates him on the "fairytale with a happy ending".

Julia and André have hit it off.

André and Julia are still a few steps away. The dairy farmer and the lady who has already moved in with him still can't believe their happiness. While André is happy about the "big jackpot", Julia is indulging in animal fantasies: "If André were a kangaroo, I'd love to live in his pouch!" says the project manager, who is deeply in love. With livestock farmer Daniel and his Valentina, it also looked like a happy ending for a long time. However, after the "wonderful" farm week, the distance between Bavaria and Tyrol intervened. "I simply can't have a long-distance relationship," admits Daniel. Both are now only in "friendship mode".

"I can't imagine a life with you!"

Organic farmer Christoph and student Lisa had also taken this route. But when the two of them look each other in the eye over mulled wine and beer, Hans speaks up: "The way Christoph looks at Lisa, there still seems to be something going on!" the horse connoisseur speculates. And indeed: Christoph and Lisa haven't completely written off their happiness in love. However, they want to "give themselves plenty of time" to "build up a relationship", according to the likeable long-haired couple.

Two tables away, sheep farmer Hannes and nanny Jenny exchange confused glances. The farm lady asks for "clarification", because after the farm week, contact between the two has "somehow fallen asleep", grumbles the blonde. After a vague back and forth, Hannes finally comes clean: "I just can't imagine a life with you!" says the young farmer.

Jenny is wide-eyed and looks at least as surprised as her colleague Simone. The woman from Brandenburg, who would "so love" to grow old alongside cattle farmer Siegfried, simply doesn't get a clear answer from her supposed prince charming. At some point, even Inka Bause has a meltdown: "When I make out with a man who gives me roses and then suddenly doesn't get back to me: He's got a fairground, my friend!" rumbles the presenter. Instead of showing understanding, Farmer Siegfried shows that he can't deal with other people's hurt feelings at all. While the visibly disappointed Simone is still sitting next to him, Siegfried launches a new appeal: "So, if there's anyone out there who's interested and doesn't live so far away ..." No words! Stunned shaking of heads wherever you look.

The old show the young

Sarina and Patrick, as well as Stephan and Laura, meet each other with stressed minds and folded arms. A lack of communication, jealousy and mutual accusations of all kinds ensure that nothing works here, despite the beautiful farm weeks.

If the youngsters can't get it right, then perhaps they need a lesson from the old ones. Horse lover Dietrich-Max-Helmut is happy to help in this regard. With his Marion in his arms, the pensioner really blossoms: "We talk on the phone for over an hour every day, and we laugh a lot!" Marion reveals the love secret of the two aging lovebirds. After all, love knows no age limit. Everyone raises a glass and lets it rip at an advanced hour - party music, grilled sausages and glowing sparklers included.

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