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It goes on like this after retirement

Family, motorhome and coffee: Timo Boll already has plans for what comes next after his career. But first, there's the Olympics.

Timo Boll is directly before his last Olympic Games.
Timo Boll is directly before his last Olympic Games.

Timo Boll - It goes on like this after retirement

Timo Boll (43), in Germany known as the absolute Mr. Table Tennis, was born in Erbach and made it to the top of the World Ranking at the beginning of the 2000s. He has been an indispensable figure in the sport's elite since then. Now, at the age of 43, he announced that his career will end: He revealed in May 2024 that the Olympic Games in Paris (July 26 to August 11, 2024) will be his last major tournament.

Once again, the focus is on the medal hunt for Timo Boll: He wants to play at the highest level one more time, as he shared during the "Performance Ready" Olympic campaign of tire manufacturer Bridgestone. The team also has a clear plan to bring a medal home. "Sportingly, it's about being performance-ready at the right moment, just like in driving, which is why Bridgestone is the perfect Olympic partner," Boll explained the motivation for his last Olympic Games.

But what comes after Paris for the table tennis legend? "As for my future plans, I have some ideas but no concrete decisions yet," Boll said. He couldn't imagine taking on a permanent role in table tennis and being "constantly in sports halls."

More Time with Family

His wife Rodelia Jacobi need not worry that he will spend 24 hours a day at home and interfere with household matters. "I'm looking forward to having more time for personal interests and projects that I had to neglect during my active years," Boll continued. He plans to explore new goals with his camper van and indulge in his coffee passion. Of course, he also wants to spend more time with his family: He's already looking forward to more shared time and new chapters in the family life with his 10-year-old daughter Zoey Malaya.

He's fortunate to be able to live two lives: the public, hectic one that mostly took place in China, where his face is known to almost everyone. And the quieter, hidden one in Germany, where he can still enter restaurants incognito. Both aspects of his table tennis retirement will continue: "Because I will definitely still visit China. But not as a player, but as a tourist."

Timo Boll: "And then there's enough time for melancholy and farewell"

Boll carefully considered the decision for his career end and it had been a long time in the making: "Of course, it wasn't an easy decision. Table tennis was and is still my life and shaped me," Boll said about his final chapter as a professional athlete. It was important for him to find the right moment for a new life chapter: "I believe I have succeeded in that." Currently, he is looking forward to the Olympic Games in Paris, his seventh participation: "The Olympic Games are the ultimate athletic event where athletes from all over the world come together to give their best." After melancholy and farewell, there will be enough time.

For the younger and following generations of athlete, Timo Boll has some tips. It's essential to approach the sport with passion and discipline: "It's important to work hard, but never lose the fun of the game." In addition, he advised being fair and respectful towards others. For him, his loved ones were always incredibly supportive throughout his long career: "My family has supported me throughout my entire career and was always my greatest pillar."

Timo Boll, a renowned figure in German table tennis, announced that his career-ending event will be the Olympic Games in Paris, scheduled for July 26 to August 11, 2024. Bridgestone, his Olympic campaign partner, shares his focus on performing at the peak moment, just like in driving. Timo Boll has plans beyond table tennis, mentioning a desire for more personal time and projects, exploring with his camper van, and spending more time with his family. Despite retiring from professional table tennis, he plans to continue visiting China as a tourist.

Timo Boll's career-ending decision was not made lightly, recognizing the significant impact table tennis had on his life. He emphasizes the importance of finding the right moment for a new chapter, looking forward to his seventh Olympic Games participation. Boll advises the younger generations of athletes to approach the sport with passion, discipline, fairness, and respect, acknowledging the crucial support of his family throughout his career.

China, being a significant part of Boll's career, provides an opportunity for him to shift roles as a tourist. Despite visiting China as a player, the public spotlight and attention faded in Germany, allowing him to enjoy dining out incognito. With numerous accolades and experiences behind him, Timo Boll is preparing for the melancholy and farewell associated with his career-ending tournament at the Olympic Games in Paris.

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