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Israeli army: New details on tunnel system in Gaza

More and more details about Hamas' tunnel system in the Gaza Strip are becoming public. According to the Israeli military, the underground system had a sophisticated infrastructure.

Israeli soldiers search a tunnel in the Gaza Strip.
Israeli soldiers search a tunnel in the Gaza Strip.

Middle East - Israeli army: New details on tunnel system in Gaza

The Israeli military has published new findings on the extensive tunnel system of the Islamist Hamas in the northern Gaza Strip. Palestine Square in the center of the city of Gaza plays a decisive role, the army announced on Wednesday. From there, "offices and apartments of the political and military Hamas leadership" are said to have been accessible underground. The information could not currently be independently verified. On Sunday, the army had already announced the uncovering of a network of tunnels in the north.

Following the takeover of an area in the city of Gaza, further details of the "strategic tunnel route" were uncovered, the army said on Wednesday. In addition to stairs, elevators also made it possible to descend into the underground system. In some cases, food, water and electrical infrastructure had been found. "In this way, Hamas terrorists were able to flee as well as remain in their hiding places for longer periods of time," it said.

The tunnel network is said to have been used by the organization's high-ranking officials, Ismail Hanija, Jihia Sinwar, Mohammed Deif and others, "to control Hamas ' operational activities". This information could not be independently verified at present.

According to media reports, the head of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Sinwar, and the head of Hamas' military wing, Deif, left the northern Gaza Strip during the course of the war. They are reportedly believed to be in the city of Chan Junis in the south of the coastal area. Haniya, chairman of the Hamas politburo, has been living with his family in Qatar for years.

Read also:

  1. The discovery of the tunnel system in the Gaza Strip raises concerns about potential future conflicts between Hamas and Israel, as the tunnels could be used for military purposes.
  2. The Israeli military has accused Hamas of using the tunnel system to enable its leaders, such as Ismail Hanija and Mohammed Deif, to move freely and control operations within the Palestinian territories.
  3. On Sunday, the Israeli military had also uncovered a network of tunnels in the north of the Gaza Strip, which were reportedly used for smuggling goods and weapons.
  4. The tunnel system in the Gaza Strip has drawn international attention to the ongoing tensions in the Middle East, with the United Nations urging Israel to cease fire and calling for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
  5. Hamas has denied the allegations made by the Israeli military and has claimed that the tunnels are used for civilian purposes, such as transporting goods and connecting communities within the Gaza Strip.
  6. The uncovering of the tunnel system in the Gaza Strip has sparked debate about Israeli security measures in the region and the impact of the conflict on the everyday lives of Palestinians living in the occupied territories.


