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Israeli army drops leaflets over village in southern Lebanon

Warning to the public

An Israeli military helicopter flies near the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip. The
An Israeli military helicopter flies near the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip. The Israeli army continues its attacks on the coastal

Israeli army drops leaflets over village in southern Lebanon

The Israeli army has for the first time dropped leaflets over a village in southern Lebanon to warn against supporting the Hezbollah militia. A drone dropped leaflets over the village of Kfar Chouba on Friday morning, a resident, who wished to remain anonymous, told the AFP news agency. Since the major attack by the radical Islamic Palestinian organization Hamas on Israel on 7 October, tensions in the Israeli-Lebanese border region have increased significantly.

Another resident said the leaflets had been dropped twice as they had been blown away by the wind. The leaflet reads: "We inform the residents of southern Lebanon that the terrorist Hezbollah is infiltrating your homes and land. You must stop this terrorism for your own safety." Supporting Hezbollah exposes the population to "danger".

The major Hamas attack on Israel more than two months ago had led to a significant increase in tensions in the Israeli-Lebanese border region. There have been repeated attacks between Israeli troops and the Iranian-backed Shiite Hezbollah militia.

This is the first time that Israel has dropped leaflets over southern Lebanon in the current conflict. Israel used the same tactic during the war against Hezbollah in 2006.

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