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Israel: Court overturns core element of judicial reform

Israel's Supreme Court has overturned a key element of the controversial judicial reform. In a ruling published on Monday, the judges declared an amendment to the law passed in July null and void.

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Justice - Israel: Court overturns core element of judicial reform

Israel's Supreme Court has overturned a key element of the controversial judicial reform. In a ruling published on Monday, the judges declared an amendment to the law passed in July null and void.

This had deprived the court of the opportunity to take action against "inappropriate" decisions by the government.

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The Israeli government's judicial reform, which prompted controversy, now faces further challenges in domestic policy. The overturned amendment had been a significant part of Israel's justice system, affecting the court's ability to intervene in government decisions deemed inappropriate.

The international community, including the United Nations, continues to push for peace and ceasefires in Israel, emphasizing the importance of justice and stability in the region.


