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Israel conducts aerial assault on Rafah's refugee camp, fearing several fatalities

Precise strike or massacre? Fear mounts as dozens of civilians may have been killed in a Gaza airstrike following rockets fired toward Tel Aviv. Israel and Hamas offer conflicting accounts.

Der Internationale Gerichtshof hatte Israel verpflichtet, den Militäreinsatz in Rafah zu beenden.
Der Internationale Gerichtshof hatte Israel verpflichtet, den Militäreinsatz in Rafah zu beenden.

conflict in Gaza - Israel conducts aerial assault on Rafah's refugee camp, fearing several fatalities

In a recent Israeli airstrike in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, various humanitarian aid groups reported multiple civilian casualties in a refugee camp. The air assault occurred on a Sunday in the northwest region of the city, where Israeli forces are attempting to quash the last remaining Hamas militants. According to the Palestinian Red Crescent, the aid organization Save the Children recorded "dozens of wounded and over 15 fatalities."

Based on Palestinian testimony, the UN-backed Palestinian Refugee Agency's (UNRWA) northern Rafah camp, known as Barkasat, was targeted. The Hamas-controlled Health Ministry in the Gaza Strip reported at least 35 people were killed and many more were injured. The Israeli military claimed their intelligence services identified prominent Hamas terrorists on the site prior to the attack, resulting in two deaths. They claimed that investigations into civilian casualties would be conducted.

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The Israeli army declared through their online platform X that the "precise" air assault targeted a Hamas base and complied with international law. Their statement asserted that the targeted individual, Jassin Rabia, a major figure in Hamas terrorism throughout the West Bank, and Khaled Nagar, a senior Hamas terrorist, had their lives on the line for the safety of Israeli soldiers. The claims were initially unverified.

The Red Crescent detailed the area hit by the air assault was designated as a safe haven for people forced to flee due to Israeli military action. “We are appalled by this fatal attack, which only demonstrates that there is no safe zone in the Gaza Strip," said Doctors Without Borders.

Hamas called for mass protests demanding justice for the dead, urging Palestinians worldwide to demonstrate their outrage. "We urge all Palestinians in the West Bank, Jerusalem, occupied territories, and international allies to take to the streets and protest with rage," said the Islamic Palestinian organization.

Following the bombings, rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip towards Israel, according to local reports. At least eight rockets were dispatched from Rafah. Several rockets aimed inward were intercepted, and residents in Tel Aviv and central Israel were urged to seek shelter, as documented by AFP journalists. The event marked the first rocket alert in the area in months. At least three explosions were reported in the area.

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Hamas' armed wings, the Essedin al-Qassam Brigades, declared they had fired a "large burst of rockets" at the Israeli metropolis Tel Aviv. It was a response to the "Zionist massacres against civilians," said the statement.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated his refusal to end the conflict or remove his forces from the Gaza Strip on Sunday night. His office stated that conforming to Hamas' demands would enable the Palestinian organization to "continue committing atrocities since October 7th in cyclic fashion."

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) demanded Israel to halt military operations in Rafah on Friday. While these court orders are legally valid, they have no power to force nations into compliance.

In parallel, Amnesty International prompted the International Criminal Court to investigate potential war crimes committed by Israel during their offensive in the Gaza Strip earlier in April. The NGO stated on Monday that three Israeli air strikes had resulted in fatalities, including 32 children and 12 other civilians, justifying further probes.

The initial incident sparking the Gaza War originated from a Hamas attack on Israel on October 7th. According to Israeli records, Hamas was allegedly responsible for killing over 1170 people and capturing 252 hostages in the Gaza Strip.

Since October 7th, Israel has been engaged in substantial military actions within the Gaza Strip. The Hamas-controlled Ministry of Health, whose validity is questionable, announced that over 35,900 people have been killed to date.

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