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Israel at war "more determined than ever"

Even after the accidental killing of three hostages by Israeli soldiers, there is no end in sight to the fighting in the Gaza war. Israel's war cabinet is under increasing pressure. The overview.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.

War in the Middle East - Israel at war "more determined than ever"

While the accidental killing of three Israeli hostages in the Gaza Strip by its own soldiers continues to stir people up, the government is continuing the war against the Islamist Hamas undeterred. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized that the military pressure on Hamas must be maintained. Only in this way could it be defeated and the return of all abductees achieved. "We are more determined than ever to continue to the end, until we have destroyed Hamas and brought back all our abductees," Netanyahu said.

Protesters put pressure on Israel's government

Meanwhile, released hostages, relatives of hostages and hundreds of supporters demonstrated again on Saturday evening in Tel Aviv for the release of those still abducted in the Gaza Strip. Noam Perry, a relative of a hostage, accused Netanyahu' s war cabinet of claiming that military pressure was necessary for the hostages to be released. "In the meantime, more and more hostages are coming back as corpses," said Perry. According to Israeli estimates, 112 hostages are still being held.

Meanwhile, Israel's Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi took responsibility for the accidental killing of the three Israeli hostages. "The army and I as its commander are responsible for what happened and we will do everything to prevent such cases from happening again in the future of fighting," he said in a video published on X.

Military chief: No shooting under a white flag

At the same time, he made it clear that people with a white flag who want to surrender must not be shot at. Rules of engagement were violated when the hostages were killed on Friday. "The three hostages did everything so that we would recognize them as such - they had taken off their shirts so that we could see that they were not wearing explosive belts, and they were holding a white flag," said Halevi.

At the same time, he pointed out that the soldiers were in an active combat zone. Terrorists are active there in civilian clothes and every decision can make the difference between life and death in a fraction of a second. The only consolation for the families of the fallen soldiers is that their deaths were not in vain, explained Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu according to the newspaper "The Times of Israel". Therefore, "we will ensure that we continue to fight until we achieve total victory", said Netanyahu.

Situation of civilians in Gaza remains unbearable

Meanwhile, the situation of the Palestinian civilian population remains unbearable. The severely damaged largest hospital in Gaza, Shifa, is only "minimally functional" and urgently needs to be able to resume at least the most basic functions "to continue providing life-saving medical care to the thousands of people who need it", the WHO said on Sunday.

One of its own teams described the emergency room as a "bloodbath", with new patients arriving every minute. Only a handful of doctors, a few nurses and 70 volunteers were still working under "incredibly difficult" conditions in the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip. The operating theaters are not functioning because there is a lack of fuel, oxygen, specialist staff and supplies. There is also no blood for transfusions, it was said.

US President Joe Biden had called on Israel to show more consideration for the civilian population in the war, which has been going on for more than two months. Following talks with the Israeli leadership, the US government had recently expressed the expectation that Israel would switch from a "high-intensity" military approach to "more targeted" operations. No timeframe for this was given.

Al-Jazeera brings death of cameraman to criminal court

Following the death of a cameraman from the Arab television channel Al-Jazeera in the Gaza Strip, the company intends to take the case to the International Criminal Court. This was announced by the Qatar-based broadcaster on Saturday. The broadcaster speaks of murder. The cameraman was killed in an Israeli drone attack in southern Gaza. Rescue workers were initially unable to reach him due to the fighting - according to the broadcaster, they were ultimately only able to recover his body. Israel's military rejected accusations of targeting journalists.

Baerbock and Cameron call for a permanent ceasefire

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) and her British counterpart David Cameron called for a permanent ceasefire in a joint article for the British Sunday Times: "Our goal cannot simply be an end to the fighting today. It must be a peace that lasts for days, years, generations. We therefore support a ceasefire, but only if it is permanent." However, an end to the fighting is currently not in sight.

Israeli soldier killed on the border with Lebanon

Meanwhile, an Israeli soldier was also killed in a drone attack from Lebanon on the Golan Heights annexed by Israel. The drone loaded with explosives struck the village of Margaliot, the Israeli army confirmed on Saturday evening. The air defense was able to intercept a second hostile flying object from Lebanon in the morning. In response, targets in Lebanon were attacked. Since the beginning of the Gaza war following the Hamas massacre in Israel on October 7, there have been repeated confrontations between Israel's army and militant groups such as Hezbollah in the Israeli-Lebanese border region.

What will be important on Sunday

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin visits the Middle East. The stops are Israel, Qatar and Bahrain. In Israel, he wants to talk to the military leadership about a possible end to intensive ground operations and air strikes. In Qatar, Austin wants to meet US forces stationed there, among others. In Bahrain, the Minister intends to visit the US Naval Forces Central Command.

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