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Islamic Jihad releases a fresh clip featuring a hostage.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad releases video of an abducted Israeli man, who discusses his well-being and criticizes the Israeli authorities.

Relatives and supporters of hostages during a protest in Tel Aviv.
Relatives and supporters of hostages during a protest in Tel Aviv.

Middle Eastern region - Islamic Jihad releases a fresh clip featuring a hostage.

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) group recently shared a second video featuring the kidnapped Israeli man they seized two days earlier. In this video, the individual claims to be in good health and free from illness despite Israel's aggression against the Gaza Strip. He further accuses the Israeli government of unwillingness to pay the high price required to ensure the hostages' safe return.

The young man urges Israelis to join protests demanding a deal for the release of the hostages and a truce to stop hostilities. He desires to return home to his parents and his partner, he adds.

It remained unclear how the video was made and whether the man spoke under duress. Additionally, there was no certainty about the video's release date. The abducted man referenced the Qatari broadcaster Al-Jazeera's closure in Israel by the Israeli government on May 1st at the film's start.

On Tuesday, the PIJ published a video of the man. The 28-year-old was among the four family members (including his mother, grandmother, and girlfriend) taken captive from Kibbutz Nir Oz on October 7. The three women were released as part of a pact between the Israeli government and Hamas during late November. His father was reportedly killed during the attack. PIJ and Hamas had previously presented videos of their detained captives, which Israel considers a form of psychological warfare against the families.

Read also:

  1. The ongoing conflict in the Gaza war has resulted in significant hostilities, with the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas and the Israeli government frequently engaging in armed confrontations.
  2. The Gaza Strip, a region heavily impacted by the war, has become a breeding ground for hostilities, as evidenced by the frequent launching of rockets towards Tel Aviv and other Israeli urban centers.
  3. The mismanagement of conflicts in the Middle East, as exemplified by the Gaza war, has led to the entrenchment of extremist organizations such as Islamic Jihad, which are fueled by the desire for revenge and jihad.
  4. In response to the latest hostage situation in the Gaza Strip, there has been a renewed call for peace talks, with international leaders urging both Israel and Hamas to seek a truce and find a diplomatic solution to end the ongoing violence.
  5. The recent abduction of an Israeli man in the Gaza Strip has brought renewed attention to the ongoing conflict, with the capture marked by the release of a video by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), which has been accused of using psychological warfare against families.
  6. The release of the video featuring the hostage has sparked a wave of protests in Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities, with demonstrators calling for the Israeli government to negotiate a deal for the hostage's release and put an end to the ongoing hostilities in the Gaza Strip.
  7. The Gaza war has taken a heavy toll on civilians, with women and children often finding themselves caught in the crossfire, making it essential for both sides to prioritize peace and seek a diplomatic resolution to end the ongoing hostilities.



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