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Isabelle Adjani sentenced to probation

A residence in Portugal, a gift and a US account - and in the end, a lawsuit. Some things didn't go smoothly for Isabelle Adjani.

French film star Isabelle Adjani lives for rent.
French film star Isabelle Adjani lives for rent.

Paris - Isabelle Adjani sentenced to probation

French film icon Isabelle Adjani (68) has been sentenced to two years' probation for tax fraud and money laundering. The court in Paris also imposed a fine of 250,000 euros on Adjani.

The legendary actress was accused of having moved her residence to Portugal on paper in 2016 and 2017 in order to save 236,000 euros in income tax. She is also alleged to have declared a gift of two million euros as a loan and to have received 120,000 euros from an offshore company into an undeclared US account.

Adjani told the magazine "L'Obs" in October that the million euro sum was actually a private loan. She had needed it following financial turmoil at a personal and professional level. Accordingly, she had also registered the sum of money with the authorities. However, the tax office later assumed it was a gift and demanded high taxes.

No villa with a pool

"Listen, I'm not an American-style artist," Adjani told L'Obs about the economics of her profession. "I'm not that woman." She has not worked regularly over the years and is also socially committed. She lives modestly for rent and not in a villa with a pool, as many people think.

Adjani was born in France in 1955 to an Algerian father and a German mother. The multi-award-winning actress celebrated successes as the unhappy lover of sculptor Auguste Rodin in "Camille Claudel" and in the socially critical film "Heute trage ich Rock!", in which she plays an overworked teacher.

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