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Iran Encourages Terrorist Activity in Europe Prior to the Olympics, Claims Mossad

Is Tehran plotting attacks?

According to the Mossad, Iran is trying to use the global wave of anti-Semitism in the wake of the...
According to the Mossad, Iran is trying to use the global wave of anti-Semitism in the wake of the Gaza war to recruit new accomplices for terrorist attacks.

Iran Encourages Terrorist Activity in Europe Prior to the Olympics, Claims Mossad

Before the upcoming Olympics in Paris, there's growing worry about potential attacks on Jewish establishments due to the ongoing Gaza conflict. As per Israel's top spy agency, Mossad, Iran is currently recruitment accomplices for these attacks in Europe.

Israel's foreign intelligence service, Mossad, is reportedly warning about Iranian support for terror against Jewish and Israeli institutions during the Olympic Games in Paris, according to various media reports. The intelligence agency alleges that Iran is using criminal groups in Europe to carry out these actions. However, these claims couldn't be independently confirmed.

The Israeli publication "Jerusalem Post" mentioned two such groups - Foxtrot and Rumba - who are said to be "directly responsible for violent activities and terrorism promotion in Sweden and all of Europe." These groups are claimed to have received financial support and instructions from Tehran.

The Swedish Security Service (Säpo) acknowledged these concerns. The head of their counter-espionage department, Daniel Stenling, stated that the Iranian regime uses criminal networks to commit violence in Sweden. He added that Iran possesses both the desire and the capability to harm Sweden's interests.

According to Mossad, Iran was allegedly involved in an incident where a man threw an airsoft grenade towards the Israeli embassy in the Brussels suburb of Uccle some weeks ago. The agency also claims that Iran was responsible for the shots near the Israeli embassy in Stockholm two weeks ago. Thankfully, no one was harmed in either case.

Mossad also alleges that Foxtrot is responsible for the incident in Sweden. This group is known for their involvement in various crimes, including murder and drug trafficking, and is reportedly active in other European countries as well. The leader of Foxtrot, a Swedish citizen of Kurdish descent, is said to have been arrested in Iran for his criminal activities and then recruited and released for terrorist activities, according to the reports.

Mossad believes that Iran is trying to capitalize on the global surge of antisemitism during the Gaza conflict to enlist new accomplices for terrorist attacks. The agency is working with European intelligence services to prevent these activities.

Since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Israel has been Iran's sworn adversary. According to a court in Buenos Aires, the Iranian government was held responsible for a bombing attack on a Jewish community center in the Argentine capital in 1979 that killed 85 people and injured 300 others. The Shiite militia Hezbollah is accused of carrying out the attack under the orders of the Iranian government, according to the judges in April. Iran is also believed to be responsible for an attack on the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires in 1992, which left 29 people dead, as per media reports.

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