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IOM: More than 60 dead in boat accident off the coast of Libya

"The Central Mediterranean remains one of the most dangerous migration routes in the world," says the IOM. The sad occasion: 61 people have drowned during the dangerous crossing.

People sitting in a wooden boat in the Mediterranean. Symbol
People sitting in a wooden boat in the Mediterranean. Symbol

Migration - IOM: More than 60 dead in boat accident off the coast of Libya

Dozens of people have died in a boat accident off the coast of Libya, according to the UN. At least 61 people have drowned, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Libya announced on the platform X, formerly Twitter.

Women and children were among the victims. There were 86 people on the boat, the IOM added, citing survivors. It had set sail from the Libyan coastal town of Suwara.

"The Central Mediterranean remains one of the most dangerous migration routes in the world," IOM continued. Libya has become an important transit country for migrants fleeing war and poverty to Europe. Most migrants make the dangerous crossing to Europe in unseaworthy rubber boats.

According to the IOM, more than 2,200 people have already lost their lives on the route across the central Mediterranean this year. This is a "dramatic number" that proves that not enough is being done to save lives at sea, an IOM spokesperson said on Saturday evening. According to the organization, more than 20,000 people have died or disappeared in the Mediterranean since 2014.

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