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Police searching Blue Mosque in Hamburg in November 2023. The Islamic Centre Hamburg was searched...
Police searching Blue Mosque in Hamburg in November 2023. The Islamic Centre Hamburg was searched again on a Wednesday morning.

Extended Arm of Iran - Interior Minister Faeser prohibits Islamic Centre Hamburg

Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) has, according to stern's information, banned the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH). The establishment is considered an extended arm of the Iranian regime and is labeled islamist by the Constitutional Protection. Faeser announced the ban early on Wednesday morning. Simultaneously, police began searching the Imam-Ali Mosque in Hamburg, also known as the "Blue Mosque," where the IZH has its headquarters – at one of the city's most prominent addresses. In addition, searches took place in other federal states, resulting in the closure of four mosques.

"We have banned the Islamic Center Hamburg today because it propagated an islamist, totalitarian ideology in Germany. This islamist ideology targets human dignity, women's rights, an independent judiciary, and our democratic state," Faeser said about the ban. Furthermore, the IZH and its affiliated organizations supported the terrorists of the banned Hezbollah.

Constitutional Protection views Islamic Center Hamburg as an important propaganda tool for Iran

The IZH has been under observation by the Constitutional Protection since 1993, but until today, its leaders have been able to operate relatively unhindered. The Hamburg Constitutional Protection describes the IZH in its most recent annual report as "an important instrument of the Tehran regime for the establishment of an antidemocratic and anti-Semitic orientation of Shia Islam in Europe, modeled after the Iranian state ideology."

The current head of the IZH, Mohammad Hadi Mofatteh, is considered a representative of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in Europe. Over the weekend, he told the Hamburg Morgenpost that he had no reason to worry about a ban on his association. "There's no reason for such a step," he said. The Federal Ministry of the Interior sees it differently.

IZH is to exert influence on other mosques and associations

The IZH is one of the most important centers of its kind in Europe, frequented by Shia Muslims of various nationalities as a central religious point of contact. It is also believed to have a strong influence on other Shia mosques and associations in Germany.

A total of 53 objects in eight federal states were searched on Wednesday. Among the searched affiliated organizations of the IZH are the "Islamic Academy Germany e.V.," the "Association of Supporters of an Iranian-Islamic Mosque in Hamburg e.V.," the "Center of Islamic Culture e.V." in Frankfurt (Main), the "Islamic Union Bavaria e.V." in Munich, and the "Islamic Center Berlin e.V."

At the end of 2022, the IZH came under national scrutiny when the Iranian regime used excessive force to suppress the widespread protests that had erupted in the country following the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody. The traffic light coalition had then submitted a motion in the Bundestag to close the IZH.

In November of the previous year, Federal Interior Minister Faeser had searched the IZH and related institutions in Germany with over 800 officers. It appears that sufficient evidence was found to finally enforce the long-demanded ban on the IZH.

Last week, the Federal Ministry of the Interior banned the right-wing magazine "Compact." The decision was controversially discussed.

  1. The Constitutional Protection in Germany has viewed the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) as an important propaganda tool for the Iranian regime, promoting an antidemocratic and anti-Semitic orientation of Shia Islam in Europe.
  2. Following the ban on the Islamic Center Hamburg, the Federal Interior Ministry began searches at the Imam-Ali Mosque in Hamburg, a prominent site, and other mosques in various federal states, leading to their closure.
  3. In response to the ban on the IZH, its current head, Mohammad Hadi Mofatteh, expressed confidence that there was no need for such a step, contradicting the perspective of the Federal Ministry of the Interior.
  4. The ban on the IZH and associated organizations has sparked controversy, drawing parallels to the recent ban on the right-wing magazine "Compact," which was also a subject of contentious discussion.

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