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Insults directed at Jews during the Stumbling Stone installation event

Stumbling blocks for murdered Jews are placed in Pforzheim, following which a person reportedly yelled hateful anti-Semitic slurs. Authorities are currently looking into the incident.

Mit den Stolpersteinen wird der Opfer des NS-Terrors gedacht.
Mit den Stolpersteinen wird der Opfer des NS-Terrors gedacht.

Discrimination against Jewish people - Insults directed at Jews during the Stumbling Stone installation event

In the process of moving Stolperstein, or "stumbling stones", to honor Jews who were rounded up and murdered by the Nazis in Pforzheim, a hate crime with disgusting slurs took place. The cops are probing a complaint against an unidentified guy for inciting hatred, told a police rep. The incident supposedly unfolded in mid-May. Recently, "Pforzheimer Zeitung" had written about this.

"We installed the stones and when we were done, a guy came up and inquired if it was about Jews," said Hans Mann from "Initiative Stolpersteine Pforzheim" to DPA. Once the guests confirmed it, the man commenced swearing, labeling them "crap Jews," "murderers of the populace," and stating that all Jews ought to meet their end through shooting and killing, proceeded Hans Mann. "He was incredibly offensive, he insulted every one of us and got personally physical. We came close to a fight, and then the unidentified man disappeared."

As per Hann's account, alongside schoolkids and schoolers and other attendees, one of the victims' relatives from Israel, who specifically attended the stone setting, was also there. "They were deeply affected." The subsequent day, a grievance was made. The police are now seeking witnesses, reported their spokesperson.

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