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Inquiry reveals kiosk owner caused the blast.

Following the devastating blast in Düsseldorf, authorities have grown more convinced of a possible target being the kiosk vendor. Tragically, he was also among the casualties.

Bei dem Brand in Düsseldorf am 16. Mai sind mehrere Menschen ums Leben gekommen und weitere...
Bei dem Brand in Düsseldorf am 16. Mai sind mehrere Menschen ums Leben gekommen und weitere verletzt worden.

North Rhine-Westphalia: - Inquiry reveals kiosk owner caused the blast.

A 48-year-old male owner of a small stand is suspected to be the culprit behind an explosion and fire that left three deaths and 16 injuries in Düsseldorf. The authorities have centred their inquiry after this individual. It is supposed that he accidentally spilled gasoline in his stand and set it alight.

The man was likely shocked by the explosion he had caused. He was one of the three fatalities. The argumentative nature of the man had led to him quarrelling with some neighbours. The temporary contract for the use of the stand rooms was also set to expire by the year-end and hadn't been renewed. The man had also checked into a psychiatric hospital because of a mental health condition. These details have been gathered by the detective unit.

The woman who suffered critical injuries in the fire is still in a critical condition at the intensive care unit. The authorities are investigating for both murder and arson. If the investigation continues at its current pace, the case will likely be closed as the only suspected perpetrator is deceased.

In the basement of the damaged residential and commercial building, gasoline had seeped across the floor as a fuel. It may have created an explosive gas-air mixture when set alight. The charred body of the stand owner (48) was found close to the back entrance of his store. The autopsy showed he perished due to the explosion that occurred on May 16th at around 2:00 a.m.

On the first floor of the building above the stand, the body of a 55-year-old resident was found with recent injuries. However, he succumbed to smoke inhalation. This led to suspicion that a cover-up could have occurred as the fire.

Now, investigators consider that in a moment of desperation, the man attempted to end his life to avoid being burnt to death: A firewall obstructed him from jumping out of the windows in his apartment, and the escape route through the staircase was clogged with thick smoke.

The fire quickly engulfed the first few floors of the six-story building. The fire brigade had to save countless people from the balconies as the flight of stairs was blocked. The destruction even extended to adjacent houses. Additionally, several vehicles parked in front of the building were engulfed in flames. The response team discovered a substantial debris field. The detonation even damaged the house across the road.

Read also:

  1. Despite the ongoing investigation by the police in North Rhine-Westphalia, the public prosecutor's office is yet to announce any charges related to the explosion and fire incident at a kiosk in Düsseldorf.
  2. The incidence of fires in Düsseldorf has slightly increased this year, with the local fire department responding to several such emergencies in recent months.
  3. The woman who survived the explosion and fire at the kiosk in Düsseldorf is cooperating with the police and providing crucial information about the events leading up to the incident.
  4. The explosion and subsequent fire at the kiosk in Düsseldorf have raised concerns about the safe storage and handling of flammable substances, leading to calls for stricter regulations in the region, specifically in North Rhine-Westphalia.
  5. In response to the blast and subsequent fire at the kiosk in Düsseldorf, the city council has announced a series of emergency measures, including temporary closures of nearby businesses and increased patrols by the local police.
  6. The North Rhine-Westphalia police have appealed to the public for any information related to the explosion and fire at the kiosk, offering a reward for any information leading to the identification of the culprit or any potential cover-up.


