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Ina Müller upsets Markus Söder

"Do you have an anchor on your bag?"

While Ina Müller and Felix Neureuther (right) are having a great time, Markus Söder would have...
While Ina Müller and Felix Neureuther (right) are having a great time, Markus Söder would have liked to disappear for a moment.

Ina Müller upsets Markus Söder

When Ina Müller returns to TV on Thursday evening with a new season of her talk show "Inas Nacht," she has a very special guest: Bavaria's Minister-President Markus Söder. In the conversation with him, the moderator proves that she is not afraid of big animals as well.

Before the latest episode of "Inas Nacht" flashed across TV screens on Thursday evening, there was already news about the pre-recorded show: Bavarian Minister-President Markus Söder will not only appear in Ina Müller's legendary talk show at the Hamburg pub "Zum Schellfischposten," but he will also yield to the established tradition of the show and sing a song as a guest.

Even as a professional self-promoter, Söder did quite well when he sang the old song "She was Mary Ann." However, even more sensational than his singing were actually parts of the conversation that Ina Müller led with him during the show.

Finally, Schnozzle-Face Müller, after she had taken the "Du" from the top politician, also didn't hold back with "Markus." "Are you a good lover? Are you good in bed?", was one of the indiscreet questions she asked him. The native Nuremberger reacted coolly and answered quickly: "I'm crazy early in bed."

Felix Neureuther gets flustered

However, at another point, the Minister-President was momentarily out of control and had to put his hand in front of his face. When ex-ski racer Felix Neureuther joined the talk show, the conversation turned to tattoos. "Do you have tattoos, Markus?", Müller wanted to know from him. After he had denied it, she probed further: "Do you have a little anchor in your pocket?"

Neither Söder nor especially Neureuther took the situation seriously in the end, and they dealt with it in every way possible. "I've never heard anyone ask a Minister-President if they have an anchor in their pocket," the 40-year-old joked, barely able to contain his laughter. And that's probably not going to happen again. With Maybrit Illner or Caren Miosga, he would certainly not be asked that question.

In the upcoming episode of "Inas Nacht," Ina Müller is set to welcome another notable figure to her talk show on ARD, following her successful chat with Bavaria's Minister-President Markus Söder. This time, entertainment enthusiasts can look forward to the appearance of former ski racer Felix Neureuther.

Despite the surprising nature of the questions posed by Ina Müller during Markus Söder's appearance, Felix Neureuther was left utterly flustered when she brought up the topic of tattoos. Her inquiries about possible tattoos and an alleged anchor in his pocket left him struggling to maintain his composure, resulting in hearty laughter from both parties.

Söder also answered intimate questions.

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