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In the UK, junior doctors have started the longest strike in the history of the National Health Service

In the middle of the cold season

In the UK, junior doctors have started the longest strike in the history of the National
In the UK, junior doctors have started the longest strike in the history of the National Health

In the UK, junior doctors have started the longest strike in the history of the National Health Service

In the UK, junior doctors have begun the longest strike in the history of the National Health Service in the middle of the winter cold season. The junior doctors plan to strike for six days from Wednesday. The British Medical Association (BMA) union called on the government to make a "credible" pay offer to end the strikes.

"Morale across the health service is at an all-time low. Many will be wondering whether it is still worth practicing their chosen profession - the government has a chance to show these doctors that they still have a future in this country," the BMA said.

Doctors in the UK have already staged several strikes in the past year to demand higher pay in the face of rising inflation. The state-run National Health Service (NHS), which has provided free healthcare since it was founded in 1948, has canceled a total of 1.2 million appointments since the strikes began in 2023. More than 7.7 million people are on waiting lists seeking treatment.

The union is demanding a 35% pay rise, which it believes is necessary to cover the impact of inflation over several years. Talks with the government, which offered an increase of eight to ten percent, were broken off. Most recently, junior doctors went on strike for three days before Christmas. The so-called "junior doctors" are qualified physicians, often with several years of experience, who work under the supervision of senior physicians and make up a large proportion of the medical profession.

"This January could be one of the most difficult starts to the year the NHS has ever experienced," said NHS director Stephen Powis on Tuesday. "Not only will the measure have a huge impact on planned care, but it comes on top of a number of seasonal pressures such as Covid, flu and staff sickness absence."

Read also:

  1. Despite the ongoing strike, the cold season has resulted in an additional 1.2 million appointment cancellations in the National Health Service (NHS) of Great Britain.
  2. Historically speaking, the current strike by junior doctors in Great Britain is the longest in the history of the country's health service.
  3. As the cold season persists, residents of Great Britain may find it challenging to secure medical appointments due to the strike's impact on the NHS.
  4. The ongoing strike in the health service in Great Britain could potentially make this winter's cold season one of the most challenging for the NHS, with added pressure from seasonal illnesses.


