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In Speyer, a left-wing politician was struck by a bicycle.

Potential political intent under investigation.

Left-wing politician attacked with bicycle in Speyer
Left-wing politician attacked with bicycle in Speyer

In Speyer, a left-wing politician was struck by a bicycle.

A 43-year-old individual with a history of clashes with the law is alleged to have assaulted a left-wing politician in Speyer. Preliminary investigations suggest this might be politically motivated, according to Hubert Ströber, a senior public prosecutor at the Frankenthal public prosecutor's office. However, this has not been confirmed yet.

The attack took place on Wednesday night. The 43-year-old accused individual used demeaning language and threatened the politician, trying to assault him. He also hurled a bicycle towards the man, but missed, as per Ströber. The targeted politician escaped unscathed. The incident happened in the pedestrian zone of Speyer.

Two red flags suggest a politically driven motive, Ströber pointed out. The insolent language used and the accused individual's past criminal record were the indicators. His latest conviction in 2021 was for holding signs from unconstitutional groups, resisting law enforcement officers, and verbally abusing others. Investigations are ongoing into the matter, and the accused is being investigated for attempted assault, threats, and insults towards political figures.

Ates Gürpinar, Federal Chairperson of the Left Party, called the assault not just an attack on an individual but also a breach of basic democratic values. Political disagreement should never push people to resort to physical violence, he warned.

Lately, there's been a surge in incidents where politicians have been attacked or their election posters vandalized in Germany. The recent attack on Saxon SPD MEP Matthias Ecke, who was hospitalized severely, especially provoked anger. In Berlin, a senator for economic affairs, Franziska Giffey (SPD), faced a physical assault. Politicians from the AfD and the Greens also received threats and attacks.

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