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In India, at least 17 individuals lost their lives due to a quarry cave-in.

Twelve individuals unaccounted for

Mindestens 17 Tote bei Einsturz von Steinbruch in Indien
Mindestens 17 Tote bei Einsturz von Steinbruch in Indien

In India, at least 17 individuals lost their lives due to a quarry cave-in.

Seventeen employees passed away, and a dozen others vanished after the disintegration of a quarry in the northeastern region of India. This information was shared by authorities.

The breakdown of the quarry occurred in Melthum, approximately 6 kilometers from the capital of Mizoram, Aizwal. Police officer Rahul Alwal mentioned that rescue units have retrieved the bodies from this site. However, two workers have been extracted safely from the debris.

The northeastern parts of India obtained considerable rainfall when the tropical storm "Remal" traversed over Bangladesh on Monday.

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