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In a recent court hearing, the individual who took hostages at Hamburg airport was reported to have lost control.

Child aged four gone missing

The defendant and his lawyer sit in the courtroom in the middle of the month shortly before the...
The defendant and his lawyer sit in the courtroom in the middle of the month shortly before the start of the trial.

In a recent court hearing, the individual who took hostages at Hamburg airport was reported to have lost control.

In November, a man in his 30s kidnapped his daughter and kept her captive at the Hamburg Airport for 18 hours, even threatening to blow them both up. During his trial, there was a surprising outburst.

Following a 18-hour hostage situation at Hamburg Airport, the defendant broke out in anger during his trial. "What had we been discussing for 18 hours there?," the Turkish man shouted through an interpreter, interrupting the judge while she was reading out documents from the investigation. The prosecution accused the man of kidnapping, taking away custody, aggravated assault, and several firearms offenses.

The cause of the crime was a long-standing custody battle. The defendant angrily spoke in Turkish, couldn't be stopped by the judge, and continuously hit the table with his hand. What he said remained unclear. When the man calmed down, the presiding judge asked if they could agree that he wouldn't act this way again. The defendant responded, as interpreted, that it was partially due to the judge from the previous custody dispute. The judge had also talked a lot during the 18 hours at the airport.

The judge urged him, "Can we agree that you won't act like this anymore?" The defendant, speaking through the interpreter, explained that it was partly the judge's personality from the previous custody dispute. The man forcibly took his then 4-year-old daughter from his ex-wife's apartment in Lower Saxony, Stade, and drove to the airport with the child using a rental car, breaking through three barriers.

He called the police emergency line, demanding that a plane take him and his daughter to Turkey. He fired his gun into the air three times and threatened to detonate a belt he was wearing. At the beginning of the trial, the defendant admitted most of his actions.

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The international community expressed concern over the incident, calling for justice in the case of the Hamburg airport hostage situation. Despite losing control during the 18-hour ordeal, the defendant's actions during the trial highlighted the complex processes involved in such cases. The hostage-taker mentioned the previous custody dispute as one of the reasons for his outburst, urging for a fair and understanding approach in the international justice system.


