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"I was positioned up front as I engaged in the dish-washing task"

Daniela Büchner doesn't regret her lacking triumph in the legend competition during the summer jungle. She managed to display her true self.

- "I was positioned up front as I engaged in the dish-washing task"

In the semi-finals, it was the end of the journey for Daniela "Danni" Büchner (46). She fell short in the challenge "Knowledge makes Ahhhhh" and was eliminated from the summer series "I'm a Star - Showdown of Jungle Legends" on day 16 (finale on August 31 on RTL+, September 1 on RTL linear television).

She shared her thoughts on her early exit, her greatest challenge, and why she enjoyed her stay in South Africa more than in Australia in an interview with the news agency spot on news.

You seemed to fit right in with the jungle, but it only resulted in sixth place. How long were you upset about the last test?

Daniela Büchner: What do you mean by 'only' sixth place? I was in the jungle camp of legends, so everyone is already a winner there. I don't think six is a bad place at all. Of course, I didn't know everything in the test, I was just a bit scattered in my thoughts. But you don't need to come in first to be a winner. And I think I handled the show pretty well for myself.

You wanted to show that you've changed since your first jungle appearance, how successful were you in that?

Büchner: I definitely showed a different side. You have to remember, in 2020 I was broken. It was about a year after my husband Jens's death. And I certainly wasn't myself then. This time, I was myself.

How would you describe your role in the camp?

Büchner: It's hard to say what role I saw myself in. I was just myself and the one who experienced everything. For example, I was right at the front with the dishes. I was one of the camp women. But I wasn't the camp mom. I'm a mom at home.

Speaking of mom. How was the reunion with your children after the jungle? How did they manage without their mom?

Büchner: Everything was sorted out for my children. Whenever I do a big format, everything is sorted out to the last detail. My children handled it really well. They had close friends to support them. I could leave for South Africa peacefully. It goes without saying that I have a close bond with my children. The first call, I think it lasted over an hour. They cried, they laughed. It was just nice to see my children again. I love those moments when I get my phone back after one or two weeks and I can see and hear my children. That's the reward for everything.

Was the biggest challenge for you in the jungle that you missed your family?

Büchner: The biggest challenge is always knowing that I'm not with my children at that moment and I don't know what's happening. I'm usually quite sure that everything is fine, but of course, every mother would like to be with her children. But at the end of the day, I do everything for my family. Everything has to be clear, and I have to be able to fly with a clear conscience, otherwise, I wouldn't do it.

Which of your two jungle appearances was more difficult for you?

Büchner: I found Australia much, much more challenging because I was emotionally and mentally not with it, and because I wasn't feeling well. South Africa was also challenging, but more beautiful. Who likes to sleep in the jungle? Who always wants to have dirt under their fingernails or something like that? Who wants to be hungry? Who wants to be constantly tired? But I found South Africa very, very beautiful because I was there with a clear mind, and that made it more enjoyable for me. And I'm still grateful for this chance I had.

Would you have done anything differently in retrospect regarding the show?

Buchner: Not at all! I thought it was good the way I was. And I believe I was able to show that I've found my inner balance. Of course, there were situations where I got louder or something, but that's normal. After all, they're all strangers you're basically locked in with.

Who did you get along with the best?

Buchner: Funny enough, I got along with most people really well. With Giulia Siegel, it was always a bit difficult for everyone, but even with her, I managed to patch things up in the end. We talked it out. There was no one I thought, "Oh, now I want to escape."

Do you still have contact with anyone?

Buchner: Yes, I still have contact with some colleagues. For example, with Elena Miras, Sarah Knappik, Kader Loth, and Thorsten Legat.

But Sarah Knappik did call you a suck-up at one point...

Buchner: Yes, she must have had a bad day. But the next morning, and that shows strength, she apologized and that was that. I'm not the type to hold grudges.

You've been on several shows. Which one is still on your wishlist?

Buchner: Many people think I've been on all the shows, but there are still some open. Who knows what's next? Right now, I'm enjoying my time at home, and I'm really looking forward to our documentary "The Buchners - Family Chaos Under Palms" which starts this fall on RTLzwei.

Despite her early exit, Daniela Büchner remained optimistic about her placement in the competition, saying, "What do you mean by 'only' sixth place? I was in the jungle camp of legends, so everyone is already a winner there. I don't think six is a bad place at all." Furthermore, she expressed that she was proud of her performance in the show, stating, "I don't think I needed to come in first to be a winner."

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