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"I thought everyone was going to start throwing eggs at me"

Til Schweiger and alcohol

After the complaints about his behavior on set, the 59-year-old was
After the complaints about his behavior on set, the 59-year-old was

"I thought everyone was going to start throwing eggs at me"

In an interview, Til Schweiger talks again about the time during the accusations about his alcohol consumption and aggressive behavior. In the end, things are said not to have been as bad as he feared at times. The actor reiterates that it is important to apologize.

After Til Schweiger commented on the allegations surrounding the filming of "Manta Manta - Zwoter Teil"in "Stern" at the end of October, he spoke to "Bild" newspaper during an interview about his new film "Das Beste kommt noch!" (The best is yet to come!), saying that he was at peace with himself. "I've always been at peace with myself. Even when I've messed up," said the actor and director. He has always told his children, for example, that it is okay to make mistakes. But you also have to "take responsibility for it, apologize and - and many people don't stick to this - don't blame the mistakes on others or point the finger at others".

In the spring, serious allegations were made against Schweiger, who was accused of abusing his power and alcohol on the set of "Manta Manta - Part Two" in a report in the German magazine "Der Spiegel". When asked whether he was a "tyrant", the actor replied in "Stern" in October: "The accusation hit me hard. Nobody needs to be afraid of me. I am a friendly person."

According to media reports, an external report commissioned by the film studio responsible, Constantin Film, had painted a mixed picture of the alleged "climate of fear" on set. Although a large proportion of those surveyed stated that the atmosphere on the film set was between "very good" and "okay", a "not insignificant number" also rated the working atmosphere as "bad" or "rather moderate".

No negative reactions on the street

"There was an extensive investigation into the incidents on the set of 'Manta Manta - Part Two', but in the end there wasn't much left of the accusations against me," Schweiger told Bild. "I admitted what was true about the story about me. And I apologized for this slap in the face during filming. And I did so from the bottom of my heart! And this apology was also accepted, by the way."

He had "screwed up often enough. I gave the monkey sugar, it was my own fault. But I always apologized". The actor had also seen a video of himself, "which really shocked me". Schweiger told himself that something had to change and that he had "a really great therapist".

"The best is yet to come!" can be seen in cinemas from December 7. Was he worried that people might no longer be interested in his films? "Nope, not at all. Of course, after the article in 'Der Spiegel', I thought everyone would start throwing eggs at me from now on," Schweiger continues. However, the opposite is the case and he even receives a lot of encouragement.

"In 30 years in the public eye, I've [...] never had anyone come up to me and say: 'I think you're shit and I think your movies are shit...' Never happened! And I walk around freely, without bodyguards. Anyone can talk to me."

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