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"I shall reappear" or "My return is imminent" or "One can expect to see me once more"

Georgina Fleur emerges victorious in Allstar Jungle Camp. This triumph brings advantages to the mother of a three-year-old child.

Tropical Tale Character: Georgina Fleur - "I shall reappear" or "My return is imminent" or "One can expect to see me once more"

Georgie Flower (34) bagged the summer edition of RTL's show "I'm a Celebrity - Jungle Legends Showdown" (available on RTL+), pocketing 100,000 euros. In the final contest, she trumped Kader Lot (51). Gigi Birofio (25) finished third-place. The former "Bachelor" participant and controversy magnet's reason for aiming for the top spot, her feelings about the accomplishment, and her future plans are laid out in an interview with news agency spot on news.

When did you realize you could take the win home?

Georgie Flower: I was determined to win from the get-go. My motivation was sky-high due to my desire to do this for my kid. Now that the broadcast is over, I'm just thrilled that I actually managed to win. The love and support from the audience has also left me feeling ecstatic.

Gigi Birofio accused you and second-place finisher Kader Lot of being lacking in effort to become a jungle legend. What are your thoughts on that?

Georgie Flower: Well, Gigi's just young and inexperienced. I believe I deserved it. I stood up against bullying in the camp, which is something that's truly important to me. I didn't hold back during my time in Australia since 2013 and demonstrated how I've transformed positively.

What was going through your head during the final challenge, the eating challenge?

Georgie Flower: It was absolutely horrendous, my worst nightmare. The issue was that my stomach had shrunk due to all the days in the jungle, so I couldn't eat much. Consequently, it was a massive challenge for me.

Are you still haunted by nightmares about it?

Georgie Flower: No, not about that. I have nightmares about other things that occurred in the camp.

What kind of things are you referring to?

Georgie Flower: All those endless conversations, which were also showcased during the broadcast. It just drove me up the wall.

Was that your biggest challenge in the show?

Georgie Flower: The most challenging part for me was being away from my kid for such an extended period. We'd never been separated for that long, and I missed her dearly. That's why I was so emotional throughout the competition. After winning, I immediately flew back to see her. Having her in my arms again was the best feeling ever.

Do you still plan on using the prize money for your child's education?

Georgie Flower: Absolutely, I'll save every penny so she can have a great future education.

Besides the financial security, will the win have any impact on your future?

Georgie Flower: Definitely! It's boosted my self-confidence, and my kid is proud of me. Watching the episodes with her was a surreal experience. It was the first show I've been a part of since she was born.

Have you received any job offers yet?

Georgie Flower: I can't discuss new projects, but I can say that I'll be more visible in the near future. I also post daily snippets from my life on Instagram.

You've been residing in Dubai since late 2020. Do you want to stay there or return to Germany?

Georgie Flower: I'm absolutely thrilled here, it truly feels like home to me. I missed Dubai during my time in South Africa and was glad to return. Germany will always be my home, but Dubai has become my home now.

The following interview reveals Georgie Flower's feelings about her win and future plans.

Georgie Flower also addresses Gigi Birofio's criticism about her and Kader Lot's efforts to become jungle legends.

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