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I have only contempt for that - Oliver Pocher in a Rammstein shirt

Oliver Pocher can't help but draw attention. Regardless of the cost. He made a negative impression at the Taylor-Swift concert wearing a Rammstein shirt.

Oliver Pocher makes a fashion statement at a Taylor Swift concert
Oliver Pocher makes a fashion statement at a Taylor Swift concert

Concert of Taylor Swift - I have only contempt for that - Oliver Pocher in a Rammstein shirt

He should have had a lot of experience dealing with women, considering he had gone through one or two failed relationships. Two failed marriages are also part of the Comedian's portfolio. He also has a 14-year-old daughter. However, it seems that the 46-year-old still lacks the necessary finesse when it comes to women.

Recently, Oliver Pocher drew negative attention at Taylor Swift's concert in Gelsenkirchen. There, the Comedian appeared in a Rammstein shirt - and posted a picture of it on Instagram Stories. Although the post has since been deleted, online the pictures are still findable. His companion, his first ex-wife Sandy Meyer-Wölden, was also busy producing content from the concert. Apparently, she failed to notice that her ex-husband's clothing choice was inappropriate.

Oliver Pocher makes a reference to abuse with his Rammstein shirt

The band Rammstein and especially its frontman Till Lindemann have been under heavy criticism in recent years. There were allegations of sexual misconduct against women and K-o-Tropfen. However, the proceedings were dropped in August 2023 due to lack of evidence. Lindemann continues to shoot happily with his Penis cannon into the audience as if nothing had happened. And so, Pocher's decision to wear a Rammstein shirt to a concert predominantly attended by young women, which is seen as a "safe space," can be considered inappropriate.

Journalist Anja Rüzel was outraged by this insensitivity and posted a clip from an interview she had given to the "Berliner Zeitung" on X. In response to the question of what she had learned in the past week, she said, "it's not just getting dumber and dumber, but even dumber than that."

Regarding Pocher's Rammstein statement shirt, Rüzel says, "he rubs it in the faces of all potential or actual victims of sexist harassment or sexual violence, not caring about their feelings." Her conclusion: "I have only contempt for him."

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  1. It's interesting to note that Oliver Pocher's ex-wife Anja Rützel was present at the Taylor Swift concert in Gelsenkirchen, where Oliver's choice of clothing, a Rammstein shirt, caused controversy.
  2. The controversy surrounding Oliver Pocher's Rammstein shirt at the concert in Gelsenkirchen has garnered criticism from several quarters, including journalist Anja Rützel, who called his actions insensitive towards potential victims of sexist harassment or sexual violence.
  3. In Gelsenkirchen, Oliver Pocher's decision to wear a Rammstein shirt, a band with allegations of sexual misconduct against women, to a concert predominantly attended by young women, was seen as inappropriate, especially considering the band's history and the event's status as a "safe space" for women.

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