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How Ulrike Kriener celebrates the half anniversary

Actress Ulrike Kriener's birthday is on December 24. She talks about an unforgettable experience on this day in an interview.

Birthday on Christmas Eve - How Ulrike Kriener celebrates the half anniversary

Actress Ulrike Kriener has a birthday on December 24. This time she will be 69 years old on Christmas Eve. These days, she prefers to spend her special day "with family and sometimes with friends and girlfriends", as she explains in an interview with spot on news. "I always put whatever my husband cooks on the table," she adds in an uncomplicated way.

"Celebrating inside" was the solution

A birthday on Christmas Eve is a somewhat bigger challenge for children. In Kriener's case, it doesn't seem to have been quite so bad. "My birthday was celebrated in the morning, and then Christmas was celebrated later in the afternoon, on Christmas Eve," she recalls. "My parents simply took part of the day off for me. I never had the feeling that I was missing out on anything," says the native of North Rhine-Westphalia. She really made peace with what was actually only half a birthday "when I was old enough to celebrate my birthday".

And the popular actress didn't just celebrate, she describes a particularly memorable experience on December 24 as follows: "That was dancing on the beach on Christmas Eve in Brazil, at my friend Barbara's house. We all wore moose antlers and Christmas hats on our heads."

Is Ulrike Kriener celebrating at a wild New Year's Eve party?

No sooner have her birthday and Christmas passed than the popular actress, who recently starred in the second part of the "Mona & Marie" series, has the next celebration on her calendar: New Year's Eve. But anyone who thinks she might be throwing a big party at the turn of the year in view of the Brazil story is mistaken. "I think New Year's Eve is the most overrated celebration of all. I could very well go to bed early on New Year's Eve," says Ulrike Kriener.

Her personal assessment of 2023 is not so bad: "2023 is an extremely crisis-ridden year for the world, frightening and terribly sad. And yet it was a happy year for me personally." And that could continue in the coming year, because: "I'm currently filming a comedy with the working title 'Alle nich' ganz dicht'. And I'm hoping that viewers will have as much fun watching it as I did filming it," she enthuses.

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Ulrike Kriener often celebrates her special day, her 'birthday on Christmas Eve', with her family and sometimes her girlfriends. Despite having a birthday on 'saint's eve', she never felt like she was missing out on anything as a child, as her parents would take the day off for her. In Brazil, Kriener had a memorable Christmas Eve celebration, dancing on the beach with friends wearing moose antlers and Christmas hats.


