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How to buy gifts safely

Fake stores online, pickpockets in real life: how consumers protect themselves from criminal covetousness in the run-up to Christmas.

If you take the right precautions, shopping in the run-up to Christmas is more relaxed -
If you take the right precautions, shopping in the run-up to Christmas is more relaxed - both online and

Christmas shopping - How to buy gifts safely

In the run-up to Christmas, many people shop for presents at Christmas markets in their region and online. However, caution is advised both at the markets in the real world and online, as the stores also attract criminals. How to watch out for fake stores, pickpockets and other scams.

Numerous fake stores appear on the internet, especially from Black Friday and Cyber Monday until shortly before Christmas, offering seemingly unbeatable prices. So many criminals are now using this method that the consumer advice center has set up its own fake store finder.

Many Germans are already doing without alleged bargains

In fact, many Germans are aware of this danger, as a recent survey by Finnish cybersecurity company F-Secure shows: According to the survey, more than one in five Germans (21 percent) will have fallen victim to online fraud in 2022 - which is why 70 percent of those surveyed will forgo supposed bargains online because they don't trust the retailer. F-Secure therefore also offers a service that can be used to determine the legitimacy of stores.

Caution also applies to loans, instant financing and installment payments, which are offered by retailers but are always linked to a contract with a credit institution. Before agreeing to such an offer, it is essential to read the small print to avoid falling into an unintended cost trap. The consumer advice center advises: "You should therefore only make use of the instalment payment offered if you have checked your own budget in advance for the additional burden - and the loan can also be repaid using reserves if necessary."

Watch out for criminals, even at the mulled wine stall

Meanwhile, there is also an increased risk at Christmas markets in real life, as the Hesse police have recently warned. Among other things, they recommend not carrying too much money, stowing it safely on your person and being particularly wary of being jostled and approached by strangers. It goes without saying that you should also keep your smartphone and other valuables out of the reach of thieves in the crowds in front of the sales and mulled wine stands.

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