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How she feels after the concert cancellation

Lena Meyer-Landrut had to cancel her concert at the Tollwood Festival at short notice. Now she has revealed the reason.

Lena Meyer-Landrut had to cancel her concert in Munich.
Lena Meyer-Landrut had to cancel her concert in Munich.

Lena Meyer-Landrut - How she feels after the concert cancellation

Lena Meyer-Landrut (33) had to cancel her concert at the Tollwood Festival in Munich last Saturday night due to "sudden health reasons". The organizer only stated this, but now the singer herself has spoken up and given an update.

Lena Meyer-Landrut was hospitalized

"I had to unfortunately cancel my concert in Munich last minute", writes Meyer-Landrut on Sunday afternoon in an Instagram story. "I wasn't feeling well all day and then in the evening I got cramp-like abdominal and kidney pains, had to hand myself over just before showtime and was then taken to the hospital", she explains. "Thank you to the nurses and doctors who helped me so quickly."

It's "insane how sorry I feel", that her fans had waited for so long and had to leave disappointed again. "My conscience is eating away at me, but my body said no", so the singer. The organizers of the festival will come back to you in the coming days.

Lena's performance on Saturday night was canceled just before she was to step onto the stage. The two opening acts Leony (27) and Tom Twers (25) had already performed. Shortly beforehand, Lena had written "Ready for Munich" in her Instagram story.

Does Lenas concert take place on Sunday?

The next performance of Lena is actually planned for this coming Sunday evening - at the Landesgartenschau in Wangen im Allgäu. The concert is scheduled to begin at 8 pm, and there has been no cancellation announced yet. Meyer-Landrut herself writes in her story: "I'm resting now and doing everything I can to play the show for you tonight!"

Despite the concert cancellation in Munich due to her health issues, Lena Meyer-Landrut expresses her hopes to perform at the Landesgartenschau in Wangen im Allgäu on Sunday evening, as planned. She shared her update on Instagram, explaining that she wasn't feeling well and was hospitalized due to abdominal and kidney pains. This unfortunate incident occurred just before her scheduled performance at the Tollwood Festival in Munich, where she was set to follow the opening acts Leony and Tom Twers.

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