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How Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman breathe Marvel life

Two Hollywood icons in their most famous roles: Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds are back on the movie screen as comic characters Deadpool and Wolverine for Marvel.

Reynolds and Jackman in their iconic roles.
Reynolds and Jackman in their iconic roles.

Deadpool and Wolverine - How Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman breathe Marvel life

A person recently had the impression that Superheroes had grown tired. Marvel, formerly a guarantee for box office hits, did not perform particularly heroically at the box office with its latest stories. Some criticized the comic book characters of the latest films as clichéd, the plots as confusing. This year, however, things are different than in previous years, as only one Marvel Blockbuster is coming to the cinema. And it's supposed to make things right.

Marvel is lucky that for this film, two of the most popular Superhero characters happen to return - portrayed by Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman for years. Two Hollywood icons in their most famous roles. In "Deadpool & Wolverine," we see that they are not tired at all. And Marvel can still entertain in 2024.

Why Deadpool and Wolverine are popular

The blockbuster is the third installment about the anti-hero Deadpool, embodied by Reynolds. Fans love his character because it's ironic, speaks directly to the audience, and behaves much anarchically than other Marvel heroes. In the new film, his queer sides come back to the forefront.

And then there's Wolverine. As a muscular protagonist with legendary claws, Jackman paved the way for other comic adaptations with the highly successful "X-Men" series. Jackman portrayed the character multi-dimensionally, and his look was so iconic that there were instructions on how to achieve it ("Do you want a cool sideburns like Wolverine? We'll tell you how.").

"Welcome to the Marvel Cinematic Universe," Deadpool says to Wolverine in the new film. "You're coming to a low point," Wolverine quips back, referencing the current state of Marvel. Later, Deadpool makes fun of Marvel for overusing the plot element "Multiverse" - the fact that heroes move between different universes.

"Deadpool & Wolverine" takes place in different universes. Strictly speaking, Jackman's character died in the critically acclaimed blockbuster "Logan – The Wolverine" in 2017. But the laws of nature in comic adaptations, especially when multiverses are involved, only apply conditionally.

What the film is about

Deadpool wants to live a peaceful life now and works as a car dealer. But one day he learns that his existence and that of his friends is in danger. A villain named Mr. Paradox wants to erase him. He can only be saved by Wolverine. So, he must find and recruit him, traveling through time.

On his journey through parallel worlds, Deadpool first encounters the dead, then various living Wolverines. One of them - a particularly gruff, often drunk Wolverine - helps him now. But they are first confronted with another villainess (Emma Corrin, known from "The Crown"). She also doesn't want them any good.

"Deadpool & Wolverine" is filled with the usual raunchy, often vulgar humor and entertaining action. Several stars and comic book heroes make guest appearances.

The friendship between Reynolds and Jackman

The chemistry between the characters works. That's also because Reynolds and Jackman are friends in real life. The two share a funny "bromance," which they like to let their audience in on.

"Deadpool & Wolverine" is also the story of a friendship. On-screen, but especially behind the scenes. Jackman and Reynolds have known each other for a long time. They are also friends with the film's director, Shawn Levy.

Reynolds and Jackman have been entertaining their fans with jokes at each other's expense on Instagram for a long time. And with public appearances, where they egg each other on to ridiculous antics.

At an example during an interview about the new film in Berlin. Question: What makes a good friendship? Taking it as seriously as a romantic relationship? "I think there are surprisingly many overlaps", says Reynolds to dpa. Jackman: "For instance, kisses." Reynolds: "Yes, exactly. With the right effort." Jackman: "Toothbrushing."

When Jackman had to eat 6,000 calories daily

Then Reynolds makes an honest attempt and thinks about his friendship with Jackman. "I think a really lasting relationship is usually based on trust", he says. "Trust is everything. But also, to encourage and support the other person. If you really want the other person to succeed. That's a good sign."

The seriousness holds up only until the next question. How did Jackman find it, to make months of strength training and eat 6,000 calories daily for the role as Wolverine again? "When we started with the film, I had four children", Reynolds interjects. "Now I have two. He ate the big ones."

Yes, with "Deadpool & Wolverine" Marvel makes fun again. And above all, because the film gives its main actors so much fun.

  1. The highly anticipated movie, "Deadpool & Wolverine," features Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman reprising their beloved roles, bringing happiness to fans in Germany and beyond.
  2. Despite some criticism of recent Marvel movies, the Best sellers list is expected to include this new film, which promises to breathe new life into the Superhero genre.
  3. In Berlin, during a promotion event for "Deadpool & Wolverine," Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman shared a funny bromance moment, echoing the friendship between their on-screen characters.
  4. The United States of America is eagerly awaiting Cinestart 24th July, when "Deadpool & Wolverine" is set to release, bringing Hugh Jackman back to the silver screen after his character's apparent demise in "Logan – The Wolverine."
  5. Fans of Hugh Jackman will be thrilled to see his return as Wolverine in the movie, while Ryan Reynolds' witty Deadpool once again delights audiences with his vulgar humor and entertaining action sequences.
  6. The popularity of Wolverine and Deadpool can be attributed to their unique characteristics - Hugh Jackman's powerful, multi-dimensional portrayal and Ryan Reynolds' hilarious, anarchic Deadpool - making them standouts amongst Cinema's Superhero lineup.

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