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How men want to date Taylor Swift

In July 2024, Taylor Swift arrived in Germany with her tour. The hype passes by hardly anyone - and some men use this to their advantage when trying to date a woman.

Caution when dating: Some give false pretenses of being a fan of Taylor Swift
Caution when dating: Some give false pretenses of being a fan of Taylor Swift

Swift fishing - How men want to date Taylor Swift

True Swift fans have long been eagerly waiting for the "Eras" tour of their megastar, and so many men know how to use the hype around Taylor Swift for themselves in the Dating scene. This trend is called "Swiftfishing." Bumble dating portal has taken a closer look at this phenomenon.

Online dating, many people list their interests, music taste, and hobbies to help the other person evaluate if a match could be fruitful. But what happens when someone is not honest in their declarations and uses deliberate false information to their advantage?

Taylor-Swift-Fans should keep their eyes open when Dating

Bumble noticed a change in interest declarations since the start of Taylor Swift's tour. In Germany, the mention of listening to Taylor Swift's music in profiles increased by 275 percent. It became important to many that their partner recognized or even shared their passion for Taylor Swift before the match. However, Swiftfishing also takes place in the Dating scene during a Taylor-Swift tour. According to the definition, Swiftfishing refers to when people only pretend interest to attract Swift fans, but in reality, have no genuine appreciation for Swift's music.

On social media platforms under the hashtag #DatingASwiftieIsLike, there are numerous reports from fans who express unequal references to the musician during Dating. A Swiftfish can be identified by superficial interest and lacking knowledge. Authentic enthusiasm is hard to imitate.

But why is it so desirable for some to date a Swiftie? An explanation could be that the confession to Taylor Swift indicates loyalty and romance - qualities that are important in a romantic relationship.

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  1. Ms., being a dedicated Taylor Swift-fan, was thrilled about the upcoming "Eras" tour, eagerly anticipating the excitement or enthusiasm it would bring.
  2. During the Taylor Swift-Tour, many men tried to leverage the musician's popularity for Swiftfishing in the Dating scene.
  3. Despite the increase of 275% in mentions of Taylor Swift's music in German dating profiles, Bumble warned Taylor Swift-fans to be wary of potential Swiftfish.
  4. Despite superficial interest and lacking knowledge in Taylor Swift's music, some men found it desirable to date a Swiftie as it signified loyalty and romance.
  5. Authentic excitement or enthusiasm for Taylor Swift was hard to imitate, making it easy for Swifties to recognize potential Swiftfish in the Dating scene.

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