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How is Gwyneth Paltrow's mother?

Blythe Danner was taken to the hospital in an ambulance during a Charity-Event. An update was given by Gwyneth Paltrow's spokesperson.

Blythe Danner (l.) and Gwyneth Paltrow are mother and daughter in Hollywood.
Blythe Danner (l.) and Gwyneth Paltrow are mother and daughter in Hollywood.

Doctor on call for Blythe Danner - How is Gwyneth Paltrow's mother?

It was a shocking moment for the attendees of a charity event in East Hampton, New York State, USA. Over the weekend, an ambulance had to be called for actress Blythe Danner (81). She had complained of feeling unwell before the auction at the event. However, there is now reassurance: The mother of Oscar-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow (51) is "doing perfectly fine" and "completely healthy." A representative from Paltrow's company Goop informed People magazine about this.

Another source told the magazine that it didn't seem dangerous at the scene, and the doctors examined Danner in peace. However, the helpers decided to take her with them. "It was still quite early in the event and she sat there for a while while they measured her vital signs," the insider added, "it didn't look that bad, but they took her anyway."

Danner has been fighting cancer for years. In 2018, she first went public about her diagnosis of oral cancer. "I felt suddenly very weak and forgot everything," she recalled in a 2022 interview with People about the diagnosis. "And then I felt a lump in my neck, right next to the spot where Bruce had found his." Danner's husband, film producer Bruce Paltrow (1943-2002), had also suffered from a rare form of oral cancer. He died of the disease in 2002.

She first told her children, Gwyneth and Jake Paltrow (48), nothing. "I wanted to keep going as a mother, and I didn't want them to worry," explained Blythe Danner. "I was of course very shocked," her famous daughter also recalled in a conversation with People. "It was terrifying. And it felt really eerie because it was so similar to what happened to my father," so Paltrow.

"I'm glad I'm still alive"

Today, Blythe Danner is doing better. She has completed chemotherapy, radiation, and alternative therapies. In 2020, she underwent the third operation. During this operation, the tumor tissue could be removed. "It's a sneaky disease," said the actress, who is involved with the Oral Cancer Foundation. "But now I'm doing well and great. And I'm glad I'm still alive." She has no fear of death.

  1. Despite her health scare, Blythe Danner's doctor on call assured People magazine that she is in excellent health and perfectly fine following the incident at the charity event in New York.
  2. Gwyneth Paltrow's company, Goop, released a statement to People, confirming that Danner is recovering well and her health is stable.
  3. Interestingly, Danner's cancer diagnosis in 2018 shared similarities with her late husband, Bruce Paltrow, who also battled a rare form of oral cancer and passed away due to the disease in 2002.
  4. The charity event in East Hampton was disrupted when an ambulance was called for Blythe Danner, who had been diagnosed with oral cancer years prior.
  5. During the event, Danner was taken to the hospital for further examination, despite initially showing no alarming symptoms, according to eye-witnesses.
  6. To help raise awareness for oral cancer, Blythe Danner continues to work with the Oral Cancer Foundation, sharing her experiences and encouraging regular check-ups, just like she did with her daughter Gwyneth Paltrow.

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