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How he met his new girlfriend

Thomas Ohrner raves about his love. It sparked in an unusual place, as the presenter and actor reveals.

Thomas Ohrner and his girlfriend Anne Arnholdt announced their relationship at the end of
Thomas Ohrner and his girlfriend Anne Arnholdt announced their relationship at the end of

Thomas Ohrner - How he met his new girlfriend

Actor and radio presenter Thomas Ohrner (58) has a new wife at his side. "We've been together for over a year now and are very happy," he enthuses about his partner Anne Arnholdt (50) in an interview with the magazine "Gala ".

Not sought, but found

The former child star ("Timm Thaler") was not looking for a new love, he admits. He saw the time after separating from his long-time wife Marion Ohrner as an opportunity to refocus and do things he hadn't done before. The two were married for 23 years and have four children together.

He finally met his new love on the S-Bahn. "You still had to wear a mask, but I had forgotten to put mine on. She asked me if I was a vaccine refuser. I thought that was a very humorous way to start," the presenter recalls.

"I didn't want to play hide and seek"

The couple only made their love public at the end of November. "We took our time, you don't have to be on the red carpet together after two months." Over time, the couple realized that they were matching more and more. "For us, it feels permanent, we're serious about it. I didn't want to play hide and seek."

Read also:

  1. During the interview, Thomas Ohrner mentioned that he met his new girlfriend on the S-Bahn, acknowledging her playful approach when she asked if he was a vaccine refuser due to his forgotten mask.
  2. Despite not actively seeking a new 'pair' or 'love', the encounter with his girlfriend seemed to have sparked something special in Thomas Ohrner, leading him to contemplate refocusing his life after his separation from his former wife Marion Ohrner.
  3. In the interview, Thomas Ohrner expressed his contentment with his new relationship, revealing that he and his girlfriend Anne Arnholdt have been together for over a year and are happy, contrasting his past marriage which lasted 23 years and resulted in four children.


