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Hospital technician raped over 100 dead women - report now shows how he got away with it

An electrician at a British hospital was able to commit crimes against the dead for more than 15 years. It was only discovered because of another crime. Now an official investigation reveals the failure of security measures.

The morgue of the hospital in Pemburry, England, had become a crime scene hundreds of
The morgue of the hospital in Pemburry, England, had become a crime scene hundreds of times (symbolic image)

England - Hospital technician raped over 100 dead women - report now shows how he got away with it

It was an unimaginable discovery. When police officers searched David Fuller's home, they came across tons of photos of him having sex with women. "Why do they look dead," one of the officers apparently asked. Then they realized that they were pictures of corpses that Fuller had desecrated at his workplace.

Fuller's discovery was a coincidence. The officers had searched his house because his DNA could be attributed to two murders that took place more than 30 years previously. In the home of the father of four, they then came across the shocking collection of 900,000 recordings by complete surprise. Fuller had extensively documented his abuse of the deceased - for over 15 years.

Indescribable acts in a hospital in England

A committee of inquiry has now investigated in detail how this could have happened. The report, which was presented this week, is 308 pages long. "What David Fuller did is truly shocking," it says. "Nonetheless, it was a failure of management, administration, regulation and process, as well as a persistent lack of curiosity, that contributed to the creation of an environment in which he was able to commit his crimes," the report condemns those responsible. "David Fuller's victims and their families were repeatedly abandoned by those whose job it was to protect and care for them."

In fact, it is hard to believe how long Fuller's crimes could go undetected. Between 2005 and 2020, he had sex at least 140 times with the bodies of 101 women and girls aged between 9 and 100 who had died. He then meticulously recorded the dates and times of the acts. By his own account, Fuller was well prepared. He searched the databases for new victims, deliberately avoiding those who had died from infectious diseases such as Covid.

Report leaves unanswered questions

According to the report, Fuller repeatedly entered the morgues, allegedly 444 times in one year alone. The crimes often occurred during normal working hours. "It is difficult to imagine that he not only took the risk of committing his crimes during the mortuary's normal working hours, but that he was not caught by staff who, to our knowledge, were working there at the time," the report states.

The fact that Fuller was caught was linked to two other, no less horrific acts. In 1987, two young women were raped and murdered within a short period of time. It was only when DNA traces were linked to Fuller in 2020 that the two murders were solved - and Fuller's gruesome archive was discovered. Since then, Fuller has been tried twice and confessed. He is currently serving a life sentence for the murders and a further twelve years for the desecration of corpses.

Suffering beyond death

For the relatives of the victims, however, this is little consolation. "It robs me of 25 years of beautiful memories," the report quotes the husband of one of the victims, who was spoken to as part of the investigation. "Whenever I think of my wife, I think of what David Fuller did to her." He therefore decided not to inform the rest of the family, he explained. "It makes no difference to them, they know nothing about it."

In future at least, this should no longer be possible. Security cameras will be used to monitor the mortuary and death room, and external work will only be carried out in the company of the responsible employees. Most of the 17 measures recommended in the report have already been implemented, the director of the health authority responsible for the hospital, Miles Scott, told the AP. He said the suffering of the victims and their families caused him "deep regret".

Investigation report, Associated Press, LBC

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