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Hollywood star receives Golden Lion

After almost five decades in the film business, Sigourney Weaver is honored with the Golden Lion for her lifetime achievement.

Sigourney Weaver will receive the Golden Lion in a few weeks.
Sigourney Weaver will receive the Golden Lion in a few weeks.

Sigourney Weaver - Hollywood star receives Golden Lion

Sigourney Weaver (74) has belonged to Hollywood's major stars for decades. After over 45 years in the business, the American is set to be honored with the Golden Lion for her career at the 81st Venice Film Festival. According to a statement during the festival, which takes place from August 28 to September 7, Weaver feels "truly honored to receive the Golden Lion for my career from La Biennale di Venezia."

An Action Icon is Honored

"I feel deeply honored to receive the Golden Lion for my career from the Venice Film Festival," Weaver said in a statement. Receiving this award is a privilege that I share with all those I've worked with over the years."

Weaver's first small film role was in Woody Allen's (88) "Annie Hall" in 1977. Just two years later, she landed the lead role in Ridley Scott's (86) Sci-Fi classic "Alien - The Uncanny Xenomorph." This catapulted her to stardom and made her the iconic action heroine of the studio system. Her career included countless roles - not just in other films of the "Alien" franchise, but also in hits and critically acclaimed productions such as "Ghostbusters - The Supernatural Marshmallow Men," "Gorillas in the Mist," "Working Girl," or "Avatar - A Leap of Faith."

Few Can Match the Caliber of Sigourney Weaver

"A actress of Sigourney Weaver's caliber has few rivals," Festival Director Alberto Barbera (74) said in the award's justification. Weaver quickly became a symbolic figure of the 1980s. And further: "Throughout this decade, she shaped the image of a heroine unlike any other in the action film genre, one that successfully adopted the male templates that had previously dominated epic and adventure films." She created bridges between "the most demanding art house cinema and films that appeal to audiences in an open and original way." And she remained true to herself throughout.

The lineup for the festival will be announced on July 23.

Weaver's renown in the film business extends beyond the Venice Film Festival, with her work being celebrated at various Biennales over the past decade. Her dedication to her life's work in Hollywood has earned her a place among the stars, and her contributions to the industry have significantly impacted the film business. The honor of receiving the prestigious Golden Lion at the 81st Venice Film Festival serves as a testament to her extraordinary career, which spans over four decades and includes distinctive performances in films like "Alien" and "Avatar."

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