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Hollywood star Jessica Lange on child worries and private life

Her private life? That's nobody's business, says Oscar winner Jessica Lange. But she does reveal a little anecdote from the past.

Family is the most important thing for Hollywood star Jessica Lange. She protects her private life...
Family is the most important thing for Hollywood star Jessica Lange. She protects her private life accordingly.

Oscar winner - Hollywood star Jessica Lange on child worries and private life

Jessica Lange, Oscar-winning actress, has shocked her children with some film and theater roles. "I remember my little daughter once asked me, 'Mama, do you think it will make you crazy to play all these crazy women?' And I said, 'No, I believe they will keep me from going crazy,'" the 75-year-old told the German Press Agency at the Munich Film Festival on Monday. "With such characters, I could let go of everything and that was that, then I was just Mom again."

Lange's private life? Strictly confidential

Family was always the most important thing for Lange, as she revealed. However, she kept her private life strictly confidential. "My children were never photographed. My children were never in the press. We never allowed ourselves to become marketing material," she explained. For young celebrities who today share their private lives on social media, she has little understanding. "I think that the desire to be in the public eye all the time detracts from the acting work," the American said, convinced. "They don't have to give their entire inner life, their private life to the public. It's enough that they finish their work."

Photo exhibition in Munich

Besides family and acting, Lange has another passion: photography. An selection of her works is on display from Tuesday to September 8 at the German Theater Museum in Munich. The 25 images in the exhibition "Through Her Lens - Photographs by Jessica Lange" come from her photo books "Highway 61" from 2019 and "Dérive" from 2023 - and are not digital, but developed from real film. "I have always enjoyed the hours in the darkroom." She values most the moment when the photographed subject becomes visible in the developer bath. "Something magical emerges from the paper and suddenly there is a picture. It's unforgettable."

At the Munich Film Festival, Lange presented her new, acclaimed film "The Great Lillian Hall" on Sunday evening, which has already been shown in the USA on HBO. Under the direction of Michael Christofer, she plays in it with great intensity and dedication a celebrated Broadway actress who during the rehearsals for a new play is increasingly struggling with mental lapses. A doctor's visit brings the shocking diagnosis: dementia. Whether and when the film will be shown in Germany is still unclear. Talks are ongoing, said director Christofer.

Lange, known for films like "King Kong," "Frances," "Operation Blue Sky," and the series "American Horror Story," was also honored at the evening with the CineMerit Award, the honorary prize of the festival.

  1. Jessica Lange's children were surprised by her portrayals of complex women in movies and theater productions.
  2. At the Munich Film Festival, Lange discussed her role in the film "The Great Lillian Hall," which has already been showcased in the USA on HBO.
  3. Lange's acknowledged passion for photography is showcased in an exhibition running from Tuesday to September 8 at the German Theater Museum in Munich.
  4. The Munich Film Festival also featured exhibitions, showcasing various aspects of the film industry.
  5. Despite her success on Broadway, Lange's private life remained a mystery, as she never allowed her children to be photographed or featured in the press.
  6. Women in the film industry, such as Jessica Lange, continue to break barriers and command attention at festivals like the Munich Film Festival.
  7. The Bavarian region, home to Munich, is known for its rich cultural scene, including festivals, exhibitions, and thriving theater and film communities.

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