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Hollywood action star denies the allegations

Serious allegations against Vin Diesel. His ex-assistant is suing him for sexual assault. Now the actor has come forward.

Vin Diesel is facing serious
Vin Diesel is facing serious

Vin Diesel sued for sexual assault - Hollywood action star denies the allegations

Vin Diesel (56) is now also facing massive accusations: A former assistant of the Hollywood action star claims that the actor sexually harassed her during the filming of "Fast & Furious Five" in Atlanta in 2010. According to Deadline, a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court states that Diesel harassed Asta Jonasson in a room at the St. Regis Hotel there.

"Vin Diesel forcibly grabbed Ms. Jonasson, groped her breasts and kissed her," the lawsuit alleges sexual assault and discrimination. She then repeatedly said "no" loudly and clearly and tried to free herself from Vin Diesel's grip. He later got down on his knees, groped her legs and tried to pull down her underwear.

Vin Diesel then allegedly put her hand on his erect penis and then masturbated. Jonasson accuses him of pushing her against the hotel wall. According to the complainant's statement, she kept her eyes closed, longed to be somewhere else and tried not to make her boss angry. After she heard moaning noises from Diesel, he suddenly let go of her and went into the bathroom. Hours after the incident, Diesel is said to have fired her.

Vin Diesel's lawyer has now spoken out

The dismissal allegedly issued by Diesel afterwards is also to be reviewed by the judges. According to the alleged victim's lawyers, Diesel used his position of authority as an employer and his physical superiority to overpower their client. She is still suffering from the consequences of the alleged assault, from emotional stress and mental and physical pain.

Vin Diesel's legal counsel has now also spoken out in a statement. Bryan Freedman went on record to say that his client vehemently denies the allegations: "I want to make it very clear that Vin Diesel categorically and completely denies this allegation. This is the first time he has heard of this more than 13-year-old allegation from an alleged nine-day employee." There was "clear evidence" that would completely disprove these "hair-raising claims".

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