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Hofreiter aims to allow the deployment of Western weaponry on Russian soil.

Subject to global legal regulations

Every day, the Russian army attacks Ukraine from its own territory.
Every day, the Russian army attacks Ukraine from its own territory.

Hofreiter aims to allow the deployment of Western weaponry on Russian soil.

Currently, Ukraine is limited to using Western weapons on their own land. In the United States, there are talks about allowing strikes on the enemy's territory as well. Similar sentiments can be found in Germany.

Anton Hofreiter, a European lawmaker from the Green Party, has voiced his support for allowing Ukraine to use Western-supplied weapons to defend against Russian fighter jets within Russian airspace. He stated, "This is about protecting the Ukrainian population. We should not hinder Ukraine from using the supplied weapons to fend off Russian fighter jets in Russian airspace."

Hofreiter added that international law allows an attacked state to attack military targets in the aggressor's country. To date, Ukraine has adhered to all agreements concerning the targets attacked with weapons acquired from the West. However, Russia continues to modify its tactics, exploiting Ukraine's vulnerabilities. For instance, Russian forces routinely bomb the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv from their own soil, using glide bombs that only take 40 seconds to strike their target, Hofreiter explained.

The New York Times reported that United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken is lobbying for Ukraine to be granted permission to launch attacks on Russian territory with US-provided weapons. He aims to convince President Joe Biden to lift the restrictions, according to sources.

No absolute exclusion of weapon systems

Prior to French President Emmanuel Macron's visit to Germany, Hofreiter urged both countries to enhance their support for Ukraine. Germany has the financial means and resources to provide Ukraine with improved weapons and ammunition. "In the dire situation Ukraine is facing, no specific weapon systems should be banned outright," Hofreiter argued. France, on the other hand, has more experience and the necessary resources for deterrence - even including nuclear deterrence, he said.

To strengthen European defense, Hofreiter suggested creating a 500 billion euro fund, financed through loans from the European Union Commission. "This should be used to partially finance up to 30 percent of joint weapons projects involving at least three EU member states - as long as 80 percent of the invested money is given to European companies," Hofreiter elaborated. The funds would also serve to strengthen the infrastructural elements crucial to defense: roads, bridges, and railways.

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