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His near-death experience was that bad

Jason Derulo almost died around ten years ago. The incident still haunts him to this day, as he has now revealed in a podcast.

Jason Derulo had a near-death experience ten years ago.
Jason Derulo had a near-death experience ten years ago.

Jason Derulo - His near-death experience was that bad

It's been over a decade since Jason Derulo (34) came close to death in an accident. In 2013, during the preparations for his tour, the singer broke his neck while training. He still reflects on the incident, as he shared in the podcast "I Am Paris" with hotel heiress Paris Hilton (43).

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For him, it was "the biggest tour of my life" back then, recalls Derulo. His trainer had him practice backward flips repeatedly, specifically 50 of them. "That was one of the worst ideas anyone ever had," Derulo says. He eventually slipped, landed on his head, and fractured his second cervical vertebra.

"When it happened, I heard a loud cracking sound and all sorts of thoughts went through my head," Derulo remembers. His mother had been waiting for him in the car outside the gym. To keep her from worrying, Derulo got up, held his neck, and went to her. They drove to the hospital together.

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The ride felt like "hell on earth" for him. He thought, "I'm going to die in the passenger seat, but I don't want to admit it." In the hospital, the doctor then explained the good news to him. "The good news is that you have a hangman's fracture, which is the same fracture that occurs when someone is hanged. And you're still alive. It could have ended much worse: paralyzed or worse. The good news is that you're still here and can move all your limbs. The bad news is that you'll be out of commission for seven months."

Then came his album "Talk Dirty"

Not being able to go on tour was tough for Derulo. He fought his way back with intense training. Every morning, he went to the gym, took walks, and ran for about 45 minutes each day. During that time, his most successful album "Talk Dirty" was created, featuring hits like "Other Side," "Marry Me," or "Wiggle." Derulo's secret back then was his routine: "If I can really stick to a routine, amazing things happen," sums up the musician.

Derulo's near-death experience from a neck fracture during his tour preparations in 2013 was a stark reminder of the fragility of life. His trainer's suggestion to practice backward flips repeatedly led to his misfortune, resulting in a fracture of his second cervical vertebra. Paris Hilton, who he later shared this story with on her podcast, expressed her sympathy, having had her own share of high-profile injuries and personal struggles. Despite the seriousness of his injury and the potential for paralysis or even death, Derulo managed to find happiness and success in theaftermath. His album "Talk Dirty," featuring hits like "Other Side," "Marry Me," and "Wiggle," was born during his period of recovery, a testament to his resilience and dedication.

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