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Heinz Hoenig had to be revived

Actor Heinz Hoenig had to be revived two and a half weeks ago, according to his wife. His condition is unknown.

- Heinz Hoenig had to be revived

The health condition of Heinz Hoenig remains serious. His wife, Annika Kärsten-Hoenig, recently revealed to the magazine "Bunte" just how grave the situation is. About a week and a half ago, the doctors treating the actor in a Berlin clinic informed her that Hoenig had to be revived.

Shock moment for Annika Kärsten-Hoenig

The 39-year-old said she "found a defibrillator pad on his chest." "The doctors then told me that they had to revive my husband during the night." A shocking moment for the actress and mother of two. However, there is also good news: Hoenig is no longer being orally intubated and can breathe independently through a tracheostoma. He is still getting used to this. With a walker, the actor can already walk a few meters, according to Kärsten-Hoenig.

Second surgery for Heinz Hoenig coming soon?

Hoenig's ability to breathe independently is a significant step. This is necessary for the life-saving heart surgery on the aorta that the actor has been waiting for months, as Kärsten-Hoenig recently told the "Bild" newspaper.

To be with her husband, Kärsten-Hoenig has temporarily moved with their two sons, Juliano, 3, and Jianni, 1, into a small apartment in Berlin. They usually live in Blankenburg, Saxony-Anhalt. Hoenig and she have been married since 2019.

The doctors had to revive Heinz Hoenig during the night, as Annika Kaërsten-Hoenig mentioned. The doctors are also planning a life-saving heart surgery on Hoenig's aorta, as Kaërsten-Hoenig recently shared with the "Bild" newspaper.

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