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Health update brings hope

Olaf Malolepski, the Flippers-Sänger, spoke about his wife Sonja's health status three yearsafter her breast cancer diagnosis.

Flipper Olaf Malolepski with his wife Sonja.
Flipper Olaf Malolepski with his wife Sonja.

Flipper Olaf Malolepski about cancer woman - Health update brings hope

It was a shock: In the year of their golden wedding anniversary, Schlager star Olaf Malolepski (78) revealed in 2021 that his wife Sonja (73) had breast cancer. Three years later, the musician of the former Schlagerband Die Flippers in an interview with "t-online" revealed how she was doing.

"She is in good medical treatment. She's doing great," the singer relieves himself. "She can even live to be 100 years old." The native of Magdeburg himself is in good health. When he wakes up in the morning, Malolepski has to "stretch and stretch for a few minutes first, then I'm fit again." What keeps you young, he believes, is "having a lot of joy in life, even when it gets tough and creaky. You have to start the day positively."

"There were complications"

After the disbanding of the cult band ("There's only one you for me") in 2011, Olaf Malolepski continued as Olaf der Flipper solo. In an interview with the "Bild" newspaper, the singer shocked with the cancer diagnosis in 2021: "Unfortunately, Sonja didn't tolerate chemotherapy at all. There were complications." He expresses "great concerns." "But we remain optimistic, my wife is incredibly strong. We're sticking together as a family," Malolepski emphasized. In addition, the 73-year-old is suffering from Cushing's Syndrome, which leads to an excessively high concentration of Cortisol in the blood.

Their marriage certificate after over 53 years of marriage is communication: "That there's no grumbling. If we ever disagree, we clear it up right away and say: Come on, we'll sort it out," advises the 78-year-old mood singer, who has been performing at Ballermann for two and a half years. "I can't stand it when someone is angry for days. That doesn't exist with us."

The couple has been married since 1971 and has two grown-up children.

  1. During his interview with "t-online," Olaf Malolepski provided an update on his wife's health status, sharing that she is currently undergoing good medical treatment and is doing well, possibly even living up to 100 years.
  2. In a previous interview with "Bild" newspaper, Olaf Malolepski revealed his own health challenge, mentioning that he suffers from Cushing Syndrome, resulting in an excessively high Cortisol level in his blood.
  3. Despite the cancer diagnosis and the complications from chemotherapy, Olaf Malolepski expressed his optimism, crediting his wife's strength and their strong family bond for their resilience.
  4. Malolepski's Flipper Olaf, as he is also known, highlighted the importance of joy and positivity in life, stating that these are the key factors that keep him young even in his golden years.

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