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He provides an insight into his fatherly experiences.

Joshua Jackson shares a touching Instagram post with his four-year-old child, expressing gratitude towards all devoted parents.

Joshua Jackson portrays himself digitally as a devoted father and avid greenthumb enthusiast.
Joshua Jackson portrays himself digitally as a devoted father and avid greenthumb enthusiast.

- He provides an insight into his fatherly experiences.

"Dawson's Creek" star Joshua Jackson (46) usually keeps his personal life under wraps, but he's recently been open about his joy of fatherhood on Instagram, sharing a heartwarming story about his daughter Juno. In a post featuring a photo of himself wearing a colorful beaded necklace, Jackson recounts an eventful morning with his four-year-old.

He explains that he had planned to do some gardening, but Juno wanted to join him. However, when they were about to go outside, she had a change of heart and requested to stay indoors instead. Jackson, understanding her wishes, left her with her grandma and headed to the garden alone.

Upon returning, he found Juno waiting for him with a special gift - a beaded necklace she had made. She presented it to him, explaining that she had stayed indoors so she could create it. Jackson, touched by her gesture, asked her to take a photo of him wearing the necklace. As she snapped the pictures, Juno said, "Daddy, it's good for you to have a photo so you can always remember that I love you." This moment, Jackson shares, melted his heart yet again.

Jackson concludes by acknowledging the challenges all parents face, whether they're raising kids with a partner, alone, with a supportive family, or a chosen family. He encourages them to keep going, reminding them that even when things get tough, they're doing a great job. He ends the post by sharing the fruits of his gardening - a bounty of apricots, tomatoes, lemons, and a sprig of rosemary.

Jackson and Juno's mother, actress Jodie Turner-Smith (37), are co-parenting. In October 2023, Turner-Smith filed for divorce due to irreconcilable differences, but the pair both seek joint custody, according to U.S. media reports.

After sharing his heartwarming fatherhood experiences on Instagram, Joshua Jackson mentioned that he often watches "Dawson's Creek" reruns with his daughter, reminiscing about his acting days. Amidst their bonding moments, Jackson acknowledged that their favorite character, Pacey Witter, plays a significant role in their special father-daughter connection.

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