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He made peace with Henry Hubchen

Seven years ago, Winfried Glatzeder and Henry Huebchen had a fierce argument. Now, it seems they have made up.

Have reconciled after seven years: Winfried Glatzeder (r.) and Henry Hubchen.
Have reconciled after seven years: Winfried Glatzeder (r.) and Henry Hubchen.

Winfried Glatzeder - He made peace with Henry Hubchen

Actor Winfried Glatzeder (79) has reportedly had issues with his colleague Henry Hübchen (77) for seven years. It is said that in 2017, during the filming of their movie "Die Kundschafter des Friedens", there was a disagreement between the two. However, they appeared together peacefully in front of the camera for the sequel. "It was all good. Professional and almost nice", Glatzeder told the magazine "Superillu".

Glatzeder cannot completely suppress a hint about this: "It was probably also because Henry was very preoccupied with himself and constantly checked his appearance in his phone", Glatzeder added. "Kundschafter des Friedens 2" is set to be released in German cinemas in January 2025. Will the two bickering birds appear together at the premiere?

Winfried Glatzeder about his Dschungelcamp participation

From August 16, Glatzeder can be seen on RTL in "Ich bin ein Star - Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden". Ten years after his first attempt in the Australian "Dschungelcamp" in 2014, the actor took up the challenge in the summer special again, alongside a dozen other former Dschungel-Stars. The episodes have already been filmed.

Glatzeder looks back on his participation with some disappointment: "I had planned to make a mix of a fasting cure and a pilgrimage for myself", Glatzeder said in the "Superillu" interview. "Unfortunately, the lost pounds are back. And instead of finding myself, I discovered even more unpleasant aspects of myself ..." In the eighth season, the actor was given the nickname "Wutfried" because he kept arguing with his female cast members and opponents.

Why then the repeated participation - and as the oldest participant ever? In part due to the potential prize money of 100,000 Euro: "My children need money and I need the confirmation that I can be the oldest participant of a superformat in my eightieth year", Glatzeder told RTL. The actor has been married since 1970 and has two sons from this marriage, as well as a son from a previous relationship.

  1. During his time at the junglescamp for "Ich bin ein Star - Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden," Glatzeder often found himself checking his appearance on his camera, much to the amusement of his fellow contestants.
  2. Before the premiere of "Kundschafter des Friedens 2," many are eager to see if Henry Hubchen and Winfried Glatzeder can put their past disagreements aside and appear together in harmony.
  3. In preparation for his return to the junglescamp, Glatzeder purchased a new, conveniently compact camera to document his experiences and share them with his family and fans.

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